Chapter 32

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On this twentieth day of March at seven thirty pm, I went into labor. It seems that Matthew is wanting to take his precious time. Levi took me to the hospital and although we both seemed pretty calm, I know that we both were freaking out majorly. I feel that all the preparing we went through probably just shot right down the drain.

After I was checked in and given a room everything seemed to slow down. Dr. Brown walked in with a smile on her face. "Good evening, Mrs. Anderson. Ready for your first childbirth?" She asked. I smiled and nodded.

She prepped me and checked for any dilation. "Well, looks like you are not dilated enough yet to push. So, if you and Mr. Anderson would like to walk around a bit then feel free to." She said with a smile. I looked over at Levi and he gave me a smile with a nod. "Thank you." I said. She made sure my IV was situated and that everything was stable enough for me to leave the bed.

Levi grabbed my hand and led me out the door. I held his hand with one of mine and pulled the IV along with the other. "You know, it's almost been a year since we've gotten married, right?" Levi asked. I looked up at him and smiled.

"Yes, in a two months actually." I said with a smile. I knew that he was trying to keep me calm as we walked. I went along with it. It's amazing that we're are about to welcome our son into the world and soon be married for a year. When we had been married for six months I found out that I was pregnant. The doctor said that I was one month. Turns out, I was two and a half months instead of one.

I was very excited. "Levi, Matthew is gonna look like you." I said with a smile.

"Probably. But it doesn't matter, he's gonna be great." He said with a smile.

Three walks around the hospital later, I was in great pain. I was dilated far enough and was almost ready to push. "Mrs. Anderson is getting an epidural right?" My doctor asked.

"Of course." Levi answered.

Soon, I was ready to push. "Ok, Mrs. Anderson. When I count to three, I want you to give a big push." She said. I nodded and stayed repeating my breathing exercises. "One....two....three." She counted. I pushed.

"He's starting to crown!" She reported. I smiled. I looked over to Levi and he grabbed my hand. "One...two...three!" My doctor counted again.

"Aaahh!" I reacted as I pushed again. I squeezed Levi's hand tighter. "You're doing great baby." He encouraged with a since as I squeezed his hand tighter.

"One...two...three!" Dr. Brown counted once again.

"Mrs. Anderson this is the quietest any if my patients have been. They are usually yelling at the father." She complimented. I laughed. "Why blame him when I know that I helped get us get here? He didn't do most of the work." I said.

She laughed. "Smart lady." She said.

"Ok last time. One....two...three!" She said. I pushed as hard as I could. "Daddy, wanna do the honors and cut the cord?" She asked him. He eagerly got up and went to cut his cord. Then I heard it. The beautiful sound of my beautiful baby boy's cry.

"Welcome to the world, Matthew Bradley Anderson." Levi said. Our doctor gave him to the nurses to get him cleaned up. As my eyes got heavy, a smile made its way to my face. Levi kissed my forehead. We finally welcomed our son into the world.

"Is she still asleep?" I heard someone say. I slowly opened my eyes. Levi was sitting in a chair beside my bed with Matthew in his arms. "She's awake now." He said to whoever was at the door. The door opened and my momma walked in. I smiled. "Oh my gosh, look at him!" She squealed.

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