Chapter 30

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It was currently twelve and Levi was still sleep. Tomorrow, we were leaving to go back to San Fransisco. I finished up the light lunch I was making and headed upstairs to wake Levi. He had never slept this long since high school.

He mostly woke up at eleven. I opened the door and saw him sleeping. I shook him softly to wake him up so he could eat something. "Wake up Levi. Come on, you've already missed breakfast this morning." I said as I shook him. He slowly got up but as he did, he coughed badly. I recoiled just a little bit but then reached over to give him a tissue for his nose.

"Thank you, Chelsea." He said. Levi's voice was all nasally and hoarse.

"Oh my gosh, Levi you're sick." I said and quickly sat beside him to find out more. He shook his head. "Just a mere cold. I'll be fine." He said and sniffled again. "No, it's more than that. Listen at that horrible cough." I said with a worried expression.

"Im gonna take you to the doctor." I said and grabbed my phone to make an appointment. "No, I'm good." Levi said as I dialed the number. I ignored him and continued to dial the number. He groaned as I talked on the phone with the doctor. "Get dressed, we are going to the doctor." I said and left the room.

I ate a little bit of the lunch that I fixed and went back upstairs to see if Levi was ready. I went up there and found Levi sitting in one of our chairs looking out the bay window. I placed my hand on his shoulder and he looked up. "Ready?" I asked with a smile. He nodded and kissed my hand. "You look pretty." He said and twirled me around to look at me. I smiled. "Thank you!" I said and started to tell about the dress I had on.

It was actually a pre-wedding gift from his aunt. It was a maternity dress that stopped right at my toes. It was a pretty teal color and had a sparkly silver belt that went with it. I pair it with sandals and left my hair down. He smiled as I told him about it. "But enough about the dress. Let's get you to the doctor. Dr. Martin said that you have the first appointment." I said and he groaned.

"I don't wanna go." He said.

"Levi, you are sniffling, coughing, and your eyes are puffy like you've been crying." I said and grabbed his hand. "Now I know you haven't been crying. Unless it's something you wanna tell me?" I asked. He shook his head and tugged at his shirt. Levi had on a pair of jeans, a t shirt, and his boots. Levi grabbed his Mississippi State hat as we left our room. I led him to my car and we got ready to leave. As we were riding, Levi let his seat back and paced an arm over his eyes. I hated to see him like this.

Levi didn't get sick much, but when he did it was the worse thing for him. It would take him about a week to get over it. Once we arrived to the doctor's office, I checked him in and we were called back right away. "Anderson." The lady called. Levi and I got up and followed her back into a room. Dr. Martin came in and shook both of our hands. "Long time no see, Chelsea and Levi." He said with a bright smile.

His eyes zeroed in on my stomach. "A very long time. Congrats on the wedding and baby." He said. "Thank you." Levi said and kissed my hand. I smiled. Dr. Martin was an older guy, around forty- five. He's been around for a couple of years now. "Ok, Mr. Big shot, Chelsea tells me that your sinuses are acting up again huh?" He asked Levi. Levi just nodded.

"Yeah, I have a runny nose and my eyes are swollen. I have no idea where the cough is coming from though." He said. Dr. Martin looked down at his clipboard and signed something. "I prescribed a packet of medicine for your sinuses and something for that cough." He said with a smile. We thanked him and left for the pharmacy.

The wait wasn't too bad at the pharmacy although we saw a couple of people from high school there. They saw us and we all just started a conversation. The funny thing was that most of them weren't married. Most of the girls were single and here I am pregnant and married. I wouldn't change a thing.

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