Chapter 20

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This was supposed to be a happy week. My wedding was in two days and I hadn't talked to Levi since Sunday. We'd walk by each other and say small greetings. I feel as if I lost him. The back door closed and I heard Levi's footsteps echo through our home. He walked in the living room towards the stairs. He looked at me and gave me a small smile then trudged up the stairs. I sighed. This would be the only greeting is probably get for a while.

I stopped when I saw her sitting in the couch. She looked so sad when she looked at me. I gave her a small smile and kept going. We really haven't talked this week. The wedding was in two days and I hadn't touched her at all except for when we sleep. I'm not mad, I'm just confused as to why she wouldn't tell me something like that.

She doesn't know it, but I hear her when she lets out every sigh, sob, or word. There's a possibility that she would have to move to another state. I'm not sure what to feel right now. I stripped and jumped in the shower. After showering I put on a pair of boxers and sweatpants.

I walked downstairs to find Chelsea. Hopefully she wasn't gone. When I reached the bottom of the stairs, I smelled food cooking. I walked into the kitchen and found Chelsea sitting at the bar with her head down. There was a pot on the stove with something simmering in it. She looked up then put her head back down. "Chelsea." I called.

She turned her head and opened her eyes to look at me. Her head was still down. "Yes, Levi?" She answered quietly.

"Come with me." I said and stretched out my hand. She slowly sat up and grabbed my hand. I tried not to look at her butt as she did because she had on some tiny shorts and one of my t shirts. I pulled her to my chest and hugged her. She looked up at me. "Levi, why-"

"Come on, put some shoes on and let's go." I said and let her go. She walked upstairs. When she came back, she had on shoes and a shirt in her hand. I slipped my shoes on and led her to my truck. "Levi, where-"

"Just come on, babe." I said and helped her in. I started to drive. Soon, we were at the ball fields. I turned to her. "We need to talk." I said. She nodded. "I know. I miss you." She said.

"I miss you too. But we need to discuss some things. What's going on Chelsea?" I asked her.

"The agency emailed me this week and sent me some teams to choose from this time. I still haven't made my decision yet." She said. I nodded.

"Were you mad?" She asked.

"What?" I asked.

"Were you mad when I told about this on Sunday?" She asked.

"I wasn't happy but I wasn't mad either. I want you to tell me things like this, Chelsea. That's what I'm here for." I told her.

"And I know that. I was scared that you might not want to get married after that. I don't deserve you, Levi. When I got that call the first thing that came to mind was you. I don't know why, but I felt like I was gonna lose you." She said. I sighed and got out of the truck. I opened her door and grabbed her face. I kissed her hard with passion. She finally kissed back after five seconds.

I pulled away and placed my forehead on hers. "Do not doubt my love for you, Chelsea. It's me who doesn't deserve you. You're not gonna lose me because I love you so much. You're stuck with me for a long time, baby girl." I said and she giggled. I hugged her.

"Don't doubt my love, Chelsea." I said. She wrapped her arms around me.

"I won't, Levi." She said.
After Levi and I talked, he told me was hungry. "There was some food cooking at home." I said.

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