All Things Must End, All Things Must Begin

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All Things Must End, All Things Must Begin

Viktor stumbled backwards on shaking legs, dropping Serenity in the process, shock marring his face. He had been so consumed by his thirst for vengeance that he didn't take notice of Katerina who was slowly and stealthily creeping up behind him, needle hidden in her palm. He jerked the syringe from his neck, gently swiping his fingertips over the wound and pulled back slick and coated fingertips, staring down at his serum-covered skin for what felt like an eternity, Viktor was speechless for once in his life, his mind was blank, his posture rigid. Only moments had passed as he tried to reel from what had just taken place – as his thoughts began to form again, Viktor glanced back up, horror crystal clear in his luminescent irises.

Viktor wiped the mixture of serum and blood from his neck. It was already beginning to work its way through his system. He felt such a rush of vertigo that he had to use the stone wall to prop himself up against. The floor, walls, and ceiling all began to look liquified, waves forming like the ocean before the waves started to spin out of control. It was like being on a ride at a fair that's called The Roundup, it starts off slow but begins to pick up speed within seconds, spinning you around and around with such force that your body is incapable of moving; the force and weight of gravity is so thick and heavy that it aids in keeping your body in your beginning position. If you were to put your feet back against the metal pressing against your backside before the ride starts, the force would keep you in that position until the ride was over. Multiply this feeling by a thousand and top it off with a vertigo that causes you to feel as if the ceiling is crashing down on you and the floor is raising up to meet your face.

The blood in his veins began to congeal, causing his movements to become stiff like a porcelain doll and without vital fresh blood to keep him alive and healthy, his skin would be the first to suffer from the serum. It only took a matter of seconds for his poisoned blood to affect his skin, cracking and turning coarse like old weathered leather. His veins began to darken and rise to the surface all over his body, and following the branching veins on his body, cracks started to follow suite with each time a new congealed vein surfaced.

Viktor's purple gaze followed each snaking vein that cracked and ultimately would burst as if his skin was nothing more than a pustule needing lanced. He also noted that the dark color of his thick blood was rapidly changing from a vibrant blue to a dark red, and finally, a sickly gray. As he fisted his hands, flakes of skin peeled from his hands and floated down to the ground, but he didn't even look because almost as soon as his veins began to gray, his flesh also began to ashen like a human corpse. His blood was almost completely hardened now, it took some time and just about all his effort to lift his head and lock eyes with Adali.

Adali was staring at him with a sympathy-filled expression, and even though he knew Viktor's reign needed to end, he was still his Brother whom he loved, regardless of how cold and cruel he knew Viktor to be.

Viktor swallowed thickly, trying to force moisture into his esophagus and tongue, and with much difficulty, he managed to force the invisible cotton ball lodged in his throat down long enough to speak for a few minutes, "As much as I hate to admit it, Brother," his words sounded as if they were grating against sandpaper and shingles from a roof top, "you were right. I should have left Katerina alone, and if I had, maybe my life wouldn't be forfeit right now. Was it worth it? Was losing my life worth turning and torturing hers? Yes. Because nothing stays dead and buried for too long – especially myself. I'll find a way to return from the afterlife, just watch and see."

As Adali approached Viktor and took his hand in his, he almost retracted his hand just by the mere touch of his skin. He felt like a decaying corpse, which is what he is, but it was more than just rot and decay... it was what death felt like. Viktor was sheet white with a touch of dark gray, his skin was like a rock and was icy to the touch. It just didn't feel natural, even for the Supernatural. He even omitted a smell of decay, something indescribable.

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