Chapter 16 - Beth

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In every direction grass stretches out in a sea of green. It bends and wavers as a breeze caresses each blade sending a shimmer of silver across the land. Where it disappears against the horizon, it greets the startling blue of a cloudless sky. The chorus of insects basking in the warmth of the sun resonating around me, the hum climbing over every hill and diving into every dip. I close my eyes and stretch my hands out to feel the grass against my palms, the natural softness sending shivers over me as I close my eyes and breathe in deeply.

It was so peaceful.

"You shouldn't be here" a feminine voice echoes across the clearing, a hint of amusement evident in her words.

My heart skips as I recognise the voice. I turn and see her standing before me, dark hair billowing in the wind that sweeps around us, her startling blue eyes gentle from the sad smile she wears. She wears a white dress that wavers in the breeze, her skin looking as warm as the sun felt.

"Mum?" My words barely come out as a whisper.

I cross the distance between us and throw my arms round her, her own firmly closing around my body. "Mum!" The tears start to fall as I hold her tighter, the softness of her hair cushioning me as she holds me close.

"Hello baby."

Sobs break out of me and my chest heaves with years of longing. She holds me, one hand absently stroking the back of my hair as she whispers gentle hushes to calm me, rocking me gently as we stand for an eternity.

My sobs fade as my emotions begin to settle and I pull back to look at her face. She smiles down at me, pushing the stray strands of hair behind my ears just as she did all those years ago.

"How are you here?" I ask, my voice hoarse and full of disbelief.

"I've been here awhile," she says, the smile sad upon her face "but you shouldn't be here with me."

I shake my head confused.

"I don't understand."

"You're not meant to be here my darling girl, it's not your time."

I wrap my arms around her tighter and pull my face closer to her chest. I didn't want this moment to end.

"I don't want to leave you."

She forces me to look at her, placing her hands on either side of my face, wiping the tears away from my cheeks which are warm against the cool of her hands. Above the sun shines brighter, it's warming yellow blazing to a yellowing white. "I wish we had more time, but I need you to find your way back."

"Back? Where? Mum please,  come with me."

"I can't baby girl," she says holding me at arms length, her eyes searching mine for understanding, the light above us growing unbearably brighter "I can't go back, I wish I could." Tears well up in her eyes . "I want you to know, no matter how alone, or scared, or afraid you are, I am always with you."

The light floods my senses and letting go of her,  I raise my arms to shield myself from it, the humming of insects growing louder in my ears. Before my eyes the rolling grass begins to fade, consumed by the light which stretches towards me. 

Blinking rapidly, I look around, desperately searching for her once more. She was just here. The panic flares against the exhaustion that begins to overwhelm me, my body crying out to let it rest.

"MUM! Where are you?"

The light closes on me, my legs giving way as a weight presses down on shoulders, forcing me to the ground where the insects hum is the only thing I hear. I curl up and place my hands over my ears, the sounds growing louder and louder still. Warm tears flow down my cheeks as I rock myself back and forth on the ground, sobs shaking with every breath I take.

I feel the pull, as though something were calling me toward it.


The sound of insects becomes deafening, and as the white glow fills my vision until it is all I see, I hear the gentlest of words.

"I love you, my darling..."

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