Chapter 10 - Beth

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My tears had subsided when the adrenaline had worn off, replaced with a steely resolve to finish what I had started. I'd been able to walk to my desk without interruption, aware no one was paying attention to me since I'd never spared a moment to get to know them either.

It hadn't taken me long to access the server and start to erase the files, to log into the back-up system and begin to erase those too. Accessing them was one thing, waiting for them to actually be gone was the delay. The system had come up with half a dozen messages asking if I was certain I wanted to delete the data, that if I did it would be irretrievable and so on. It had frustrated me and resulted in some heavy clicking and strong keyboard bashing despite the fact I knew it wouldn't help. After going through the hoops, I'd finally been able to get the system to start erasing the files.

The display on my screen showed the bar loading at 78%. It had been fifteen minutes already and I could feel the nervous lines creasing my face, the desperation evident in my inability to keep still. I was a knee bouncer, one of those people that shook an entire table because they couldn't keep still when they were nervous or bored. I'd always been that way, even when I was little. I could hear my mother's words teasing me, saying that if I didn't stop bouncing that I'd cause an earthquake.

Across from me Malcolm's desk sits in a mess of papers. It was always littered with files and books in a chaotic order only he knew how to navigate. Less than twelve hours ago he and I stood around it looking over the results of the blood samples, speculating over possibilities and causes. The idea that somehow my body had found a way to fight the virus that had been present just months before was both exhilarating and frightening and we had yet to scratch the surface for an explanation. Our last words were of announcing it to the medical community and going back to find the donor for further testing. Of course, he had no clue the clue the sample came from the person who had been right next to him.

It was like a ghost of a memory staring at his desk now, the two of us standing there, his enthusiasm and excitement growing with every bit of speculation, the possibility of a virus free humanity. It was numbing to know that all that had gone in an instant, the warmth and live that had been there extinguished in the blink of an eye. It wasn't right, and I couldn't make it right, but I wouldn't forget.

I hear them before I see them, the voices approaching the door from the hallway outside. Looking at the screen the bar flashes at 96%. The relief that had I begun to fill flows away leaving me filled with nervous energy. The handle begins to click and I glance at the screen, the bar still at the same percentage. I needed more time. I pull out one of binders nearby flicking to a random page, quickly memorising the passage on the page. The door swings open and several men enter in the midst of conversation, the first of whom I recognise as the head of entire facility.

"...and this is where Mr Eddison worked, feel free to have a look around" he says gesturing with his arm as if to display the room. He turns to look at me, his face showing no surprise in my being there, a smile creeping across his face instead. "Ah yes, Miss Morgan, I had hoped to find you here".

"Doctor McMullan" I say acknowledging him, the surprise catching in my voice. He turns to the two people behind him who followed him through the door, almost ignoring me.

"This is Miss Elisabeth Morgan" he explains in a way that suggests he had been asked the connect the face to the name. The woman turns to look at me, her blue eyes narrowing and looking me up and down. A black pants suit complete with jacket and white shirt mark her as law enforcement, high level security, not a regular street cop. Next to her a man stands in near identical clothes. The only significant difference between the two was that while she was lean, he was muscled, threateningly so.

"Miss Morgan, it is nice to finally meet you" she says, the tone of her voice indicating she neither cared nor didn't care much for the meeting.

"Beth" I say forcing the smile on my face "Just call me Beth. I tilt my head down whilst pretending to push back the hair behind my ears so as to look at the screen, the bar now loaded at 98%.

"Beth" she repeats walking to the door to close it "we understand you have come across information that may be extremely important". She returns to stand a metre in front of me, the back of the computer monitor facing her. Taking a few steps forward, I position myself alongside the computer preventing her from moving towards the screen.

"Yes" I say unsure how to continue. She was law enforcement, but if the past week had taught me anything, it was that not everyone could be trusted.

"We're here to help you" she offers when I don't continue. "We've been instructed to protect because of the information in your possession. You may or may not realise it, but your safety is now one of our top priorities and I need you to come with me". I look at her trying to read more out of what she says, but her words are generic and broad. I need more information.

"I don't understand" I say stepping back towards my desk to look at the screen. The bar flashes at 99%, just a little bit more. She moves a few steps forward and I snap my attention back to her. My breathing begins to quicken as she places her hand on the top of the computer monitor, her eyes intensely focused into my own.

"Miss Morgan we do not have time to stall. I'm sure you are aware that there are people in this city who do not want a cure to be found. The events of the last twenty-four hours have shown that these people are also aware you possess this information, and because you do, your life is at stake, we need you to come with us now, and we will use force if required".

Her words sting as she washes over Malcolm's death as an event. My concern about her character suddenly becomes distaste and I feel the annoyance boil within me. I knew I was also annoyed because she was right. A window opens on the computer announcing all information had been erased and that the system was restarting.

"You'll take me into your protection?" I ask simply wanting to finalise the conversation in a rounded fashion. No matter what I wanted to do, whether I trusted her or not, I was going to be going with her.

"Yes" she replies, her voice void of emotion.

"Fine". She nods and walks away, the other agent and Doctor McMullan following her out into the hall.

The computer screen turns off and on again, the green text vivid against the black background image as it loads up the system once more. I flip the book shut and stow it away, my desk returning to its pristine state of tidiness, a stark contrast to the mess that was Malcolm's. It would be cleared within the next day or so and filled with the research of a new person soon enough.

My own desk would more than likely be headed for the same fate. Whether I could trust these people or not was a question I was yet to answer, but it was evident that no matter what happened to me from this point on, I wouldn't be returning to the lab. It was obvious I was headed in one of two directions. Either I would end up telling the truth and our people would be able to open a new avenue of research towards finding a cure, or I would be dead.

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