Chapter Fifteen

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"O.W.L.S are upon you," Hugo said as he plopped down in the seat across from Albus and Scorpius. It surprised the boys so much that Hugo had finally joined them at breakfast that Scorpius almost dribbled pumpkin juice down his shirt.

"Hey Hugo," Albus sputtered, trying not to seem shocked.

"Hello back," the boy replied. "I was thinking that the two of you plus Rose should create a study group."

Hugo was a shy, silent student. He'd barely spoken to Albus before at family get togethers and he'd never once tried to approach Scorpius.

"Did Rose send you?" Albus asked. Hugo nodded, his hands, that were placed on the table, twitched. "Tell her to come over here herself if she wants to talk with us.

The fourth year stumbled off in search of his sister. With raised eyebrows Scorpius turned towards Albus.

"You saw her the other day," Albus put his hands up in defense. "I think she wants to confess her true feelings to you."

"But I'm already in love with someone else. I'm in love with you now," Scorpius replied snatching his boyfriends hand.


Rose strutted towards the boys, everything about her looked perfect doing so. Her bushy hair had been straightened with some sort of spell, her socks were rolled up above her knees and her book bag was tucked behind her arm.

Both Scorpius and Albus stared amazed at her slight transformation. Usually she put her bushy hair up in a ponytail and let her socks cover no more than up to her ankles.

"You look... different," Scorpius pointed out. "But it's... it's a good kind of different."

Rose gave him a small smile, a hidden blush rising on her dark cheeks. She placed her book bag down in front of them and took a seat.

"Thanks for the compliment, Scorpius," Rose said. Another change in the Granger-Weasley was her demeanor, her attitude and it made both of the boys feel odd inside.

"Um, you wanted to study with us for our O.W.L.S. together?" Albus asked to clarify.

"I would like to create a study group. Just the three of us of course. Too many people would be distracting," Rose replied. "Unless the two of you already had something planned."

"No," Scorpius blurted out. "No, we don't have anything planned. Not at all, completely free at the moment." Except for maybe a few makeup sessions with Albus later, perhaps.

"Sounds spectacular then," Rose smiled and with that she was gone, only the clicked of her shoes aching as she walked away.

Albus and Scorpius finished up their lunch and packed their school materials into their book bags. They released each others hand before getting up, knowing full well some peoples views. Plus they didn't want to confirm their relationship just yet.

Their love for each other would have to wait. It was only nearing the end of January and March was getting closer. They planned to let the school know then, not anytime before. The March Ball would be their coming out.

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