Chapter One

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2019 disclaimer:  Hate regarding Rose will not be tolerated. She does not interfere with Albus and Scorpius's relationship, she is their friend and deserves respect just like any other. If you do not like her, don't comment at all. I love reading your comments, but not when they degrade Rose. Behave, please.

Fifth year was going to be a better year than last. At least, that's what Albus told himself whilst he packed. Better than the trauma and horror he had to face. Though, he'd thrown himself into the middle of it because he wanted to prove his worth.

    His books were strewn across his bed, sorting through them and placing them neatly into his trunk. Albus had decided to get a ferret when he first started going to Hogwarts, but he had found it dead just a year later. Probably James trying to pull of one of his 'magic' tricks.

    There was a knock at his door and he turned to see his father. They weren't on the best of terms. But they were better than last year. Yelling wasn't the issue, it was built up anger, steaming over like smoke.

    "Be good this year, yeah," Harry said. "Don't find another time turner or do anything to drastic." Albus rolled his eyes, he knew better this time. It wasn't like he'd bring Voldemort back during his fifth year.

    "I won't," Albus replied as he heaved the last books into his trunk. "It's going to be a smooth year. Smoother than last."

    "It'd better be," Harry told him. Albus nodded as he clipped his trunk shut. "Now, come along, your mother and siblings are waiting."

    The two hurried down the stairs in their abode, seeing Ginny, James and Lily outside by a car. It was the best, but not most convenient way to get to Kings Cross Station. Ginny would've preferred Apparition but, there were always Muggle's swarming at the train station, trying to get different places.

    The family buckled into the car before it took off, speeding down the road. Lily was sat in the back in-between Albus and James, singing a happy tune. She always was in a good mood, nothing anyone did could break it.

    Albus just stared out the window, his head pressed up against the glass. He still believed his father was mad at him. Even though everyone teamed up in the end to defeat Delphi there was still a heavy weight on Albus.

    Maybe, if he hadn't tried to prove himself, none of this would've happened. There still would've been Delphi, but there didn't have to be all this pressure on him and all these new rules Professor McGonagall had instilled on him and Scorpius.

    They had completed their detentions during their fourth year, but they still were never allowed to enter Hogsmeade. Neither of them complained about that though, really. All Scorpius ever talked about was Rose, his school work and about joining the Quidditch team for Slytherin.

    "We're here," Harry announced as the car pulled into parking at Kings Cross. The family exited, getting their trunks out of the boot, before rolling them towards both platform's nine and ten.

    It still didn't get boring, the thrill of going through the brick wall and ending up at platform nine and three quarters. It didn't get boring when the children boarded the Hogwarts Express for another year away. Everything was still sensational.

    And as soon as Albus ran through the barrier, he was pulled into a big hug from Rose.

    "Whoa there," Albus choked out, Rose practically squeezing the life out of him. "It's good to see you too, ya know. Even though I hear your name ten thousand times while we're at Hogwarts."   

    "This year, I'll be a little bit nicer to Bread-head," Rose said. Albus rolled his eyes and let out an awkward, annoyed sigh.

    "You're still gonna call him that?" Albus questioned. Rose nodded.

    "Now, before he spots you and pulls you into another great hug, I waited all summer and you didn't send me any letters," Rose pouted.

    "Okay, first of all, we agreed to not do the hugging thing anymore. Second of all, I was quite busy," Albus answered. Rose pursed her lips and let out a humming noise.

    "Sure, that's totally the case," Rose said. "Or it's that you and Scorpius are so in love you forget to write me as well." Albus gave her a shocked look before she chuckled and began walking away.

    "Well, i'm not lying! I was busy!" Albus exclaimed. "Where are you going?"

    "Lover boy is here, gotta blast," Rose said. She sent him a short wave before hopping onto the train and out of sight. Albus turned just in time to see Scorpius wrap his arms around him in a hug.

    "Didn't we agree on no hugging," Albus said awkwardly patting the blond haired boys back. Scorpius untangled himself and let out an equally awkward cough.

    "Yeah, my bad. I forgot," he replied.

    The two said their goodbye's to their parents, who were scowling at each other. Albus and Scorpius snickered to each other. Even after everything, the families would still be rivals.

    "Now, let's find us an empty compartment, shall we," Scorpius declared, jumping onto the train with Albus right behind him. They walked down the isles, jostling slightly when the train began moving forwards.

    "Here's one," Albus said, grabbing Scorpius' shirt by the collar and dragging him into the empty compartment. The two set down their stuff and took their seats, smiling widely, ready to tell each other in better details of their summers.

A/N: Unedited and with Slow Updates, most likely.

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