Chapter Eight

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Today was the first time Scorpius woke up before Albus. So the blond boy jumped onto his friend's bed and shook him awake. There were no chirping birds or open windows that let the sun filter in to wake up to. But it was still a pleasant morning none the less.

The two boys got changed into their robes, headed through the dimly lit Common Room and towards the Great Hall. And when they arrived, the Great Hall was full of chatter and excitement.

"I've never seen anyone this alive and away in the morning before," Albus exclaimed rubbing his eyes in disbelief.

"One; you're always half asleep when we get breakfast and two; there's a Gryffindor versus Ravenclaw Quidditch match today," Scorpius replied. He grabbed a golden plate and took his seat at the Slytherin table, Albus taking the spot on the bench next to him.

"Oh, are we going to watch it today?" Albus asked, reaching for a toast before Scorpius smacked him. "What the hell was that for!?!?"

"Hugo? Gryffindor?" Scorpius furrowed his brow at Albus' ignorance. The dark haired boy realized his mistake and buried his head in his hands to hide the light pink tinge spreading across his cheeks.

But Scorpius just laughed, like everything in the world happened to be a joke. Albus finally looked up again to see Scorpius pile bacon and sausages onto his plate. He copied his friend by reaching for the fried eggs.

And from afar, Professor Bloodstone watched Albus with a careful eye. After all, she'd given him the vial of Sleeping Drought and she was the only one who knew about it besides him.


When the Slytherin boys headed out to the Quidditch stands, they were met by a gusty wind. It was only September, as the school year had barely started, but everyone enjoyed a good Quidditch match no matter the weather.

They took off, heading towards the seats filled with dark green and silver colors. In the hands of students were miniature flags with the Slytherin house colors on them. No matter the teams playing, everyone always waved their house colors.

As the searched for seats, students around them gave an exhilarating cheer as the teams began to make their way onto the pitch. Albus scanned the red and gold outfits, looking for his cousin.

He finally spotted him, his dark skin and red hair. It made him stand out, but according to copious amounts of Gryffindor girls, he was the hottest of all the other boys. Scorpius had rolled his eyes and Albus smiled quite proudly.

When the friends took their seats the match had already started. Gryffindor had the quaffle and the players were flying by quickly on their brooms. Scorpius pulled on binoculars and scanned the blurs of players, trying to watch Hugo as he made his way to the Ravenclaw keeper.

A raucous voice rang out, announcing the goal Hugo had made. The Granger-Weasley pumped his fist into the air and all the Gryffindors roared excitedly. The game had just begun and Gryffindor was twenty points in.

The game went on for an hour, and the snitch still hadn't been caught. A few students had left the stands to study and complete homework, but Scorpius and Albus remained behind, continuing to watch Hugo attempt to score more points for Gryffindor.

Soon, the wind picked up and Albus was shivering slightly. He'd only slipped on a thin jumper and was now trying to warm his hands up with hot air from his mouth. Scorpius noticed and pulled Albus closer to him.

Of course, Scorpius had brought multiple layers of clothing. The blond boy always seemed to be prepared for almost everything. At least, plentiful more times after the incident with Delphi and the time turner.

"You don't mind, right?" Scorpius asked as he rubbed his hand up and down Albus' arm, trying to warm his friend up. The dark-haired boy nodded, his nose red and his eyes trained on the players in front of him.

Scorpius chuckled, tearing his gaze away from Albus and back to the game. He wanted to stare at Albus forever. But no. Albus would notice. Plus, Scorpius was supposed to be in love with Rose. Staring at Albus like that would make it look like he was gay or something. And Scorpius believed he wasn't gay. That couldn't possibly happen.

Finally, the snitch was caught by the Ravenclaw seeker. But Gryffindor had enough points to stay ahead of the other house. So Gryffindor had won the first Quidditch match of the season and Albus was hurrying to the doors, wanting to warm himself up by the lime green fire in the Slytherin Common Room.

And as Scorpius walked along Albus, he began blurting out random facts again. This time, it was about who the Gryffindor versus Ravenclaw match had ended just like the Quidditch World Cup game both of their fathers had attended. Albus shuddered while Scorpius talked about it.

He'd heard about that terrible night. The dark mark in the sky and Death Eaters tramping the camp. His father didn't really like discussing it, but when James and Albus were young, he'd tell them all about his time at Hogwarts.

Life was so simple before Albus became a Slytherin. And then he wondered back to the moment, where he was a Gryffindor. It hadn't been right at all, he wasn't quite friends with Scorpius and he didn't like that at all.

"We still have the whole rest of the afternoon," Scorpius said once they were both warming themselves up in front of the fire.

"I'm starving," Albus stated. "We've not eaten anything since breakfast."

"Well, then why are you talking, let's go." And the two boys darted out of the Common Room and down to the Great Hall, where someone was keeping a watchful eye on the two.

A/N: School is officially the worst and week two is almost over. Sorry for the slow updates, I'm a terrible person, but I'm trying. You all know the struggle, right?

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