Chapter 7

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What just happend? Did I, a person that Josh just met yesterday...kiss?  It all seems so surreal.  God, I walk over to the fridge, open it up, in the fridge is: Coke Zero, of course, Oranges, and bread.  Seriously.. who keeps bread in the fridge?  Maybe it's a rockstar thing.  Wow, the things I think about when I'm all alone.  I yawn.  I guess I'm tired, nap time!  I jump on the couch and turn on the TV, spongebob, my favourite.  I get comfy and slowly drift off to sleep...

I wake up to the sound of the door being unlocked, whatever, the guys have seen me in soaking wet clothes, they won't care if they see me first thing in the morning.  All of a sudden, I feel the other side of the couch squish down, and soft lips touch my forehead, shivers run down my spine.  I open my eyes and smile at Josh.

"Morning."  Josh whispers

"Hey!" I say as I sit up. "what time is it?"


"Gah, why'd you wake me up so early?" I ask, still getting used to the light.

"Early?! I wokeup at seven!" Josh said dumbfounded

"Well then your crazy!"

"Whatever! Do you wanna know why I came or not?"

"You came because you love me and want to spend time with me?"  I ask, a little flirty.

"Wha- I- Um- No!"  Josh manage to yell, he looks down, face turning red yet again.  I'm gonna hoave some fun with this. What? I like to flirt!

"You look cute when you blush." I giggle, still talking with the flirty tone.

He bites his lip, his skin now turning a deeper shade of red.  I start laughing at the sight.

"Shut up!"

"Make me!  Because you'll never never never never nev-"  Well, he shut me up all right,  by smashing his lips to mine.  It was all happening so fast, I don't think I'm ready.  I pull out of the kiss and stare at him.  He must of read my mind, because next he said.

"I get it... but the reason I came over was to invite you to this party my friend is having."

I was shocked, but, maybe if I actually got to know this guy, and be OK with kissing him.

"Sure!" I say. "But I have nothing to wear."

"No need to worry because."  He was cut off my a knock on the door. "Because of this!" He says as he walks over to the door.

Curious, I follow him.  He opened a door to a beautiful girl, actually, I was kind of Jealous.

"Nicki, This is my sister, Ange."

"Hey!" Ange says, super enthusiacticly.

"Hi." I say, still not sure of whats going on.

"Ange is gonna help you to get ready! she has clothes and you know...girly stuff."

"Cool." I reply.

"I'll be waiting here" Josh says, jumping onto the couch.


"Ok, lets get started with the dress."  Ange says.  She pulls out of her bag, a black strapless tight dress, that came to a bit above my knees.  I went into the washroom and tried it on, to be honest, it was the best dress I've ever tried on.  It was silky, tight, but still comfortable, and it showed of the little curves that I have.  Once I entered the room again, Ange gasp.

"What?" I say, slightly confused

"You look amazing in that dress!" She exclaims

"Oh, well thanks!" I say as my self esteem rises a little higher.

"Now for the make-up!" This must be her favourite part, because she was bopping around like a bunny on cocaine.  She gave me a smokey eye look, but not to much to make me look like a hooker.

"Thank you so much!" I basically squeel.

"No problem, now lets go show Josh.


"Wow" Josh says as he sees me enter the room.  "You look hot." He relized what he just said and blushed, again, "I-I mean- um."

 Ange laughs. "Oh josh, still the smooth talker I see." Josh just stays quiet.  "here's my number, text me whenever." she says as she hands me a peice of paper, and leaves.

"Well, I'll pick you up at seven? Josh asks me.

"Sounds good"


There ya go! sorry for the gap, but school's been really busy!! Love all you guys that are reading!!

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Footsteps in the Sand (A Marianas Trench Story) **ON HOLD**Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang