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~ Cover was made by me ~

"Tay, stop it!" I giggled as she poked my sides.

"Why should I?" She smirked as she threatened to poke me again, I began to step back.

"Because- because I said so," I said as sternly as I could as I crossed my arms, holding back a smile.

"Ooh, watch out, we have a badass over here," she teased, "So, when will you finally admit that I'm super irresistible?"

I rolled my eyes, "Did you mean super replaceable?" She pouted, making me pull her into a hug, "I'm only joking, you goof."

Tay and I didn't have a good start when we first met, I guess you could say she was the ferocious lion of the school who turned into a tame cat. Still a bit feisty at times, but still as soft as can be.

"Attention all seniors, please report to the auditorium," the principal spoke, "Again, all seniors, please report to the auditorium."

We looked at each other questioningly as we began walking, other students looked as curious as we did. Lynn suddenly tagged along beside me and Tay gave her a glare, the jealousy was so obvious.

"I wonder why they need us," Lynn whispered.

"She still looks like a freshman," Tay muttered beside me, she was always trying to start problems with her, "What is she even doing here."

We all took sits and like always, I sat in between them. After a couple of minutes of teachers trying to quiet the others down, our principal stepped in front of the podium.

"I have gathered you all here today," he began, "To talk to you guys about the senior events that will be coming up soon."

The auditorium erupted into loud chatter, Lynn grabbed my hand excitedly, "Jen, I'm so excited! Have you decided who you're going to prom with yet?"

Before I could answer, we were quieted down again, "I know you're all excited for prom but don't forget about your final exams," he said, "We wouldn't want there to be more students at prom than at graduation."

A whole bunch of "ooh's" could be heard, mostly coming from the students who were a actually on track to graduating while the ones who were failing looked around awkwardly. Tay found this hilarious.

"Is there a joke you would like to share with us, Ms. Jardine?" The principal asked.

"Of course not, Principal Armstrong," she said, smirking. She's been sent to his office so many times, they didn't bother in giving her detention or suspension anymore.

"You really don't give a flying fück, do you?" I whisper yelled.

"Nope," she smiled, making Lynn groan in annoyance.

"As I was saying, many senior events are coming up and we would like to announce a trip coming up next week. Mr. Drew will take it from here."

He stepped to the side and up came our music and biology teacher, Mr. Drew. It was odd for him to have such different subjects to teach, but then again he looked like an earth loving hippie so I guess it made sense. Girls screamed as he shyly waved at the students, almost every girl I knew had a crush on him.

"I'll be hosting this trip so that we can get in touch with our inner soul and I know what you may be thinking, this is not as cool as it seems but I promise it'll be a peaceful experience," he said. "We can learn to find ourselves while connecting with nature."

"This is lame," Tay muttered.

"Imagine the all the pictures I can take," she said dreamily, "Aesthetic."

"Permission slips will be handed out, this trip is a week long and is absolutely free, everything you will need will be listed. I will be prepared as well, so there will be no need to worry," he ended.

"Jenna, you don't really plan on going, do you?" Tay asked, "We can do other things instead of going to this lame trip."

"Don't listen to her," Lynn interjected, "I'll gladly go with you, we can share a cabin, roast marshmallows–"

"Excuse you, that's my thing," Tay glared, "I'll be her trip buddy."

"Hey, hey!" I stopped them before they got into an argument, "I won't be going with any of you if you two don't get it together and the record, I will be going. Only because my parents are annoying the hell out of me and I need time for myself. So what do you guys say? Are we going or are we going?"

They both gave each other a death glare before sighing and nodding in agreement, this trip was going to be the most fun I've ever had.

*:.. o(≧▽≦)o ..:*
Starting a Halloween story because why not? It won't be too long (I think, I'm basically winging it) but there's always time for spooky stories, even if October is about to end.

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