Resisting Fate 6

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Sam's P.O.V

I stirred as Chelsea began shouting something.

"Chelsea, shut up"I groaned as my eyes fluttered open. She stared at me with her mouth wide open.

"Lunch is finished! We have class!"She exclaimed, my eyes went wide and I sat up straight away, shaking away the thoughts of me being Bella, I have a backbone. I jumped off the couch and ran my fingers through my hair and quickly straightened out my outfit and grabbed Chelsea's arm and ran out of the room, slamming the door behind us.

"I got English"She told me, I paused slightly, trying to remember what subject I had, and groaned softly.

"Music, I still hate you for signing me up for that"I scolded her, she just rolled her eyes and laughed, hugging me sightly.

"Thanks for looking after me"She mumbled, I rolled my eyes and squeezed her arm.

"You did it for me, now stop stalling and get to class"I smiled at her as she sent me a small smile and ran off to English. I sighed and walked quickly to Music, originally I wasn't going to do music, but business studies but then Chelsea wrote my name on music instead of business studies and banned me from changing it.

I shook my head with a small smile, is it bad that I still, might, like Jay? I mean he isn't no Austin, but is it bad to have a small crush towards him still?

My eyes widened as I realized what I was thinking, Yes it was! It's very bad to have a crush on another guy while I'm dating a really sweet and considerate guy.

"Oh for heaven's sake"I murmmered to myself as I entered the music room, seeing Jay laughing with another guy, making my stomach flip at the sound of his laugh. I took a deep breath and shook away the feeling, remembering Austin and letting a soft smile fill my face as I found a seat near the back.

I may be doing music, but that doesn't mean I'm going to contribute into the lessons. I sighed in my seat as I leaned back against the wall.

"Fancy seeing you here"I nearly screamed as Jay whispered in my ear, sending a light blush to my cheeks.

"It wasn't by choice"I don't know why I whispered back as the teacher walked in, he just has that stupid effect on me.

"Afternoon class, now look who your sitting next to" I glanced at Jay, seeing we were on a two seater table and my eyes widened, please, god no.

"They are your partner for the rest of this term"He announced happily, my jaw dropped and Jay smirked at me. I glared at the teacher slightly as the next words fell out of his stupid mouth.

"I want to see see what you guys got, so Jay and Sam? To the front please"Okay, one, I was freaked out that he knew my name and two, what?

"Why?"I asked as Jay started to get up.

"I want to hear you both sing"He said casually, I groaned slightly and followed Jay up to the front and sat on a chair opposite him.

"Can I have a guitar?"He asked, Sir nodded and gave him a normal guitar, He sighed and looked at me with a small smile, before beginning playing the first few chords of Make you feel my love by Adele.

(*Play the Song*)

"I'll go to the ends of the earth for you, to make you feel my love. To make you feel my love" We finshed together, the clapping of the class ripped me out of my daze and gulp. I know this sounds corny, but through the song, my eyes finally opened.

It was like there was a curtain I couldn't see through, but now? I can see clearly, I know what I have to do, my head might say it's not the logical decision, my heart did not care.

"That was great, It introduced us to the topic very clearly, we're learning about Love songs"He annouced as me and Jay made our way back to our seats. My heart was thumping rapidly, my hands were sweating slightly as my decision kept flashing round my mind.

I need to dump Austin.


Music ended quickly and I let out a breath of relief as I packed away my stuff.

"Are you okay?"Jay asked, I looked at him and bit my lip.

"Y-yeah, I just need to do something" I answered, my nerves building up. He raised an eyebrow and was about to ask me something when his phone went off. His eyebrow instantly went down into a frown as he looked at the Id.

"Yes Lucy?"He answered, my eyes widened as I remembered about Lucy, I couldn't dump Austin for Jay when he's out with Lucy, but I can't stay with Austin If I like Jay. I sighed, It's my own damn fault, I thought if I went out with Austin, my feelings for Jay would disappear, but no, he just had to come here and ruin everything.

"Yes, okay, I'll be there in a sec, uh huh, sure bye."He ended quickly, rubbing his head.

"Are you alright?"I asked, he just sent me a faint smile and shook his head.

"Lucy is just, let me find the words, the most....annoying girlfriend I've ever had"He groaned, making me snort, thinking about Lacey.

"Really?! Have you forgotten about Lacey"I teased as we both walked out of the music room, he groaned once again, making me laugh.

"Oh god, I just forgot about her, and her singing"He shivered, making me laugh harder.

"Lacey and Lucy, you got to get off the L's Jason"I winked, as he rolled his eyes, and get onto the S's, I added silently.

"So, Lucy? The second most annoying girlfriend you've had?"I asked, twisting a piece of my hair as we walked around the campus. He smiled at me slightly.

"Yep, isn''t she your friend?"He asked, with a laugh, I sighed and nodded

"I guess, she's my roommate"I answered, he nodded and let out a long sigh.

"Can I ask you a question?"He asked, making me smirk.

"You already did"I joked, he rolled his eyes and gave me a flat look, making me giggle. "Fine, what's up?"I asked, tucking the piece of hair behind my ear. He rubbed the back of his neck slightly and took a deep breath.

"What's with the change of atitude towards me?"

Jay's P.O.V

I waited as she bit her lip slightly.

"I had a change of heart" She answered, walking away quickly, leaving me behind confused. As soon as I try and get over my feelings for her, she pulls me back and confuses me. I let out a sigh and ran my fingers through my hair, Are you kidding me? I yelled in my head, does she like me? Should I ask her? Are we getting together? The question's spun round my mind, but stopped when two names popped into my head, making the smile that made my way to my face drop.

What about Austin and Lucy?


So I uploaded! I hope you like it :D I just wanted to say, I'm finishing this book in, what, 4 chapters? or 6? Since, I don't want to drag this out even more and I already have the epilogue finished, so I have planned out most of the chapters and what will happen. So If you liked it, vote :) If you really liked it comment :)

Resisting Fate (sequel to We're Through) (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now