| Chapter 5 |

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Video on the side is sexual- had some inspire from it though... Enjoy!

Draco appeared in the temple, his lungs filling with incense and smoke instantly. His silver eyes scanned the area around him and found he was completely alone, which he found odd. Usually, the halls outside the Oracle's room were filled with young girls, barely clad in fabric, lying upon each other waiting for their seating of training with the Oracle.

Thinking nothing less, Draco made his way toward the heavy bronze door and pushed on it, the door opening easily. Inside the large room, a carved marble altar sat in the middle. See-through silk hung around the room, small beacons of fire lining the walls. Before the altar sat the missing girls, their eyes were shut and their bodies were swaying to silence. An older girl sat on the altar, her age maybe around the same as Draco's eldest daughter, Lyra. She had long brown hair flowing down her back, her body clad in the finest silks of Greece. Draco closed the door behind him and suddenly the girls on the floor stopped swaying.

The Oracle opened her eyes; Draco's silver connecting with the Oracles electric, blue ones. She smiled, but it wasn't soft like the Oracle Draco knew, "My King of the Dead, my love, what can I do for you?"

Many centuries ago, during the first war with the Titans, Draco had indulged himself in the curves of the vessel of the Oracle at the time. For Draco, it was only ever lust and a onetime only, but the Oracle never got over it. Draco walked toward her, careful not to step on the various body parts of the girls on the floor, "I need help."

"A prophecy, my Lord?"

"Yes," Draco nodded.

The Oracle's smile fell and she smirked, "I heard from my Lord, Blaise (Apollo), that the Lady of Spring resides on the throne beside you," the Oracle leaned forward, her fingertips clutched around the edge of the altar toward him,  as if she were going to tell him the latest gossip in the mortal world, "Tell me, does she fuck you like I did?"

Draco rushed toward her, his hand closing in around her throat. The girls behind him gasped. The Oracle simply smirked up at him, "Don't talk about Hermione like that!" he growled so low and slow.

The Oracle scoffed, "So, you do love her."

"With all my being," Draco slowly released his hold on the Oracle, bruises forming on her young, mortal flesh, "Now, tell me the prophecy."

"Do you really want to know, Lord Draco?" the Oracle asked, "Because the prophecy I will tell you is not what you want to hear."

"I don't care."

The Oracle chuckled, "So be it."

The girls around him suddenly rose and came toward him. Their hands wandered around his body, their mouths whispering in the ancient language of prophecies, "There are two roads," the Oracle chanted, her eyes rolling back in her head, green smoke falling from her painted lips as she spoke, "Most distant from each other: the one leading to the honorable house of freedom, the other the house of slavery, which mortals must shun. It is possible to travel the one through manliness and lovely accord; so lead your people to this path. The other they reach through hateful strife and cowardly destruction; so shun it most of all."

Draco nodded, "Thank you," and turned to leave.

The Oracle suddenly raised a finger at Draco, more green smoke spilling from her mouth, "There is more, Lord of the Dead," Draco froze in his tracks, "Your son, the boy with the snake in his name. He is destined for great things, but like all heroes, his woman will die by his hand, venom traveling so fast in her system. It is your grandson, though, for the woman is mortal, who is doomed; to preserve the Underworld or raze it," the Oracle gasped and her eyes fell from the back of her head and focused on Draco, a smirk on her face.

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