The Java House

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I recognized a few people from school, and a few of my old friends.

"You grab a table, and I'll get the coffee. What do you like?" she asked, smiling at me, her green eyes bright and happy. I had a few butterflies in my stomach as I answered.

"I'll have a Cappuccino, here's a ten." I said, handing her some money.

"Alrighty, I'll be right back!" she said, getting in line. I grabbed an empty table in the back, watching Erica a little stalkery, so I looked out the window. I looked back and one of my old friends was standing over me. Well, friend is a strong word, because Carly is actually a bitch. She's a curvy girl with blue eyes, that honestly freak me out. And now they were pointed right at me.

"So," she sneered, "Are you, like, a lezbo now? 'Cause you hang out with, like, that queer new girl." Okay, don't punch her, don't punch her, don't punch her. I took a deep breath and looked her in the eye.

"No, thanks, you're not my type." I said, smiling.

"I'm not gay!" she said,outraged, causing me to almost burst out laughing. This is real self-control here, people. Luckily, Erica came up at just this moment.

"Could have fooled me." She said, sliding my coffee over. Carly just walked away with a little bitchy "hmph" I glared at the back off her head while Erica cracked up.

"Well, if looks could kill she'd be dead. What was that all about?" she asked sipping her coffee and giving me my change. I didn't know how Erica would like to be called the new queer girl, but, as they say, honesty is the best policy.

"She was just being a bitch and probably starting a rummors." I said, as we both turned to Carly who was talking a mile a minute to a group of girls, most of whom I recognized. Erica turned back to me and smiled.

"Sorry if hanging out with me starts some accusations." she says, sipping coffee. Crap, she was obviously guilty.

"It's okay, there are already a bunch of rumors about me," I said sipping my Cappuccino. God, I love coffee. It was Erica's turn to raise an eyebrow at me.

"Why are there so many rumors about you? Now I'm interested." she said, leaning in to me. My stomach twisted in knots . I took a breath to calm my rapid heartbeat and stared at a spot over Erica's head.

"Just rumors, you know normal high school stuff." I said, with a weak smile. Erica looked confused, but let the subject drop. We spent the rest of the afternoon talking about randomness. I learned about her anime craze and her favorite chick flick (mean girls), while she learned about how much I played angry birds and why the X-Men movies are the best ever. Before I knew it it was 4:45, and time for me to go home. I silently debated how much my mom would freak out if I was late.

"I've should probably be getting home." I said, sad to be going. Erica smiled and grabbed my hand as we left. I liked it when she held my hand, more than I care to admit. We got into her colorful car and she drove me home. We spent most of the time singing to the radio and laughing at the people how stared at us. It felt weird to laugh, but I was having a great time, and I never wanted it to end. But it couldn't last. We pulled into my driveway and she cut the ignition.

"Well this is my stop." I said, feeling the akwardness in the air. She turned to me and wrapped her arms around me. I felt a little shocked, but it was nice to feel close to someone. We sat there for a few minutes before she pulled away.

"I'll see you at school." she said, smiling. I smiled too as I got out of her car and watched her drive away.

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