Episode X: Betrayal Part One

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"Oh, you don't know anything! Gargoyles are majestic creatures and..."

"What about that one?"

"That's not even...! Argh!"

As she watched the argument, The Dragon could not help but feel grateful that she did not have petty human emotions. They could so easily blind someone from their motives.

She frowned to herself as that unfamiliar thing stirred within herself. Recently, things had been happening, deep inside.

The Dragon decided to ignore then.

"Hey, are you alright?" asked a voice from the front seat of the car.

The Dragon glanced up, her eyes resting on Eliza. The assassin shrugged.

"It's just that you've been staring out that window this whole time, and I haven't seen you smile once."

The Dragon shrugged again. "I was just thinking."

"What about?"

How stupid you all are, The Dragon thought to herself, but her response was much different. "How excited I am for Christmas." She forced a bright smile onto her face, feeling nothing inside.

"About that, I really would not mind if someone got me some bells," Crow said.

"Why would you want bells?" Heather asked.

Crow grinned. "Guess."

Heather glared and attempted to hit him. The Dragon rolled her eyes, a gesture she faintly remembered from before she had become Heartless, and turned back to the window. Her back straightened as she a boy with a tattoo of a wing across the back of his hand.

The Earthshakers hopped out of the car and walked into the restaurant, but The Dragon did not follow them. Instead she looped around the building, going to the place where the boy stood.

"Griffin," she said in greeting as she neared him.

"Dragon," he handed her a note and then began to walk away.

As she walked back to the door of the restaurant, she unfolded the paper. A single word was written upon it.


The paper fell into one of the bonfires beside the door, and with two short steps the killer joined the victims.


"So... um... hi."

Emily glanced up, her brow furrowing. "Who's there."

"I'm Snake. I'm the computer system."


"So, are you going to try to escape?"

"It's not worth it. Not until I get my powers back. And besides, this bed is rather comfortable." She laid back, her flame-red hair spreading out over the white sheets.

"So, you're okay with talking to me? Most people get freaked out that they can't see me."

"I lived in a talking tree for three years. I'm pretty alright with it."

"A what?"

"Never mind. It'll take way to long to explain."

"So... Have you been considering the offer."

"No. Not really. I just... I wouldn't really be that good at it. I mean, look at me. I'm practically the opposite of a hero."

"Yeah, I guess that's true. But still, you could be cool. I mean, I could use someone to talk to..."

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