Episode IX: Bad Timing

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Emily made a noise deep in her throat and did not turn to face him.

"I thought you didn't like water."

She turned from the rainy day for a moment to glare at Crow. "Only when it's being used to hurt me."

"You have to admit, Stitch was pretty smart to go get a fire truck. I didn't even know she could drive."

Emily glared out at the raindrops.

Crow closed the door to the tower behind him and sat doen next to her on the front porch. For a while, they were both silent, simply listening to the rain, but then he spoke. "You're still sore over getting caught, aren't you?"

"Shut up and leave me alone."

"I knew it," Crow grinned.

"Why are you even here?" Emily asked, looking sideways at him.

Crow shrugged. "I don't know. I was bored."

"Do you often torture the people you capture when you're bored?"

"Well, its more of a hobby..."

"You are a terrible human being."

"I've heard that a few times in the past."

The two sat in silence for a moment, listening to the wet slapping of feet on the pavement and the rumbles of buildings breaking.

"Hey, do you think... do you think you could do something for me?" Emily bit her lip, not daring to look at Crow. She kept telling herself he'd say no, for days and days before this moment. There was no way he'd agree. Best not to get your hopes up. So she was surprised when he agreed.

"I guess. What is it that you want me to do?"

"Um..." For a moment her mind went blank. Then she remembered, and struggled to put it in a way that wouldn't really reveal just how messed up Trixie was. Especially now that she was Masterless. "That stuff that you gave me, the stuff that took away my powers... I was wondering if I... if you could bring some to... one of my friends."

"Why would anyone want it?"

"She's... her powers are different, and sometimes they make... they get out of control, and I just think... I don't know. It probably wouldn't work."

"I guess. We could go right now, if you want."

Emily looked at him. "Are you joking?"

"Sadly, no. It's quite a strange experience for me."

"You're impossible."

"Impossibly amazing. Now come," he said, getting up and offering a hand. "I'm really bad with directions and finding things, so I'm afraid you'll have to show me the way."

Emily got up, ignoring his hand. "You know there's a chance I could escape, right?"

"I think I can handle it," Crow grinned, his wings fluttering just a little.

"I'd like to see you try," Emily scoffed. "Won't the others notice I'm gone?"

"They really don't care about people once they've been locked up."

"So they're nothing like you then."

"Of course not. They're all girls."

"I totally forgot."

"I'm sure you did. Now come on. We've got a friend to find."


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