Episode VI: Perfect Stranger

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It was a strange group that walked down the street on that blustery day. A devil, an angel, and a taker of souls, all searching for just one girl.

You wouldn't think it would be so important to find her, that someone sent folks from both Heaven and Hell. Of course, you would be right, because they weren't sent by anyone. They just went.

"Guys, do you think you could walk a little faster," Jackie hissed to her two companions. "Seriously! You know we're not supposed to hang around here for too long, bad things happen. What if someone notices us?"

"Would you relax for five and a half seconds," Melanie sighed. "This is so cool! I used to live right over there. Wow, I can barely even remember it."

"That's because you don't have a mind," Jackie said, turning back an glaring, her cloak flying around her and twisting the shadows around them. "I can't believe I even let you come. You're useless." Jackie turned back around, her eyes searching the darkness around her, her shoulders riding up in annoyance.

"Um, Melanie, try not to make her any more angry than you already had," Mike said.

"Oh, she's mad? Sorry, couldn't tell because her tone is always a growl, even when she's trying to romance people. That must be a real turn off for your boyfriends, huh?"

Jackie whipped around again, her gaze stormy. "Oh, would you just shut up already?"

"Nah. I'm not done getting over how many times you've called me useless yet."

Jackie ground her teeth together, and then suddenly her eyebrows shot upward as something behind them caught her attention. "Wait a minute," She breathed, before turning around.

The Reaper's eyes fixed on a couple across the street. They were sitting at a small cafe, and all of the tables around them were empty, and for good reason. The boy had giant black wings that took up almost all available room.

"Hey, is he an angel?" Melanie said, peeking over Jackie's shoulder.

"No. Now go away,"  Jackie said, brushing her away, which was somewhat difficult because she had to be careful not to touch her skin.

The two people seemed to be wrapped up in their conversation, and they either didn't notice the looks they were getting, or they were ignoring them. Funnily enough, it was the girl, who seemed totally normal, that Jackie's gaze was fixed on.

"Well, Mike? You see it?" She asked, glancing back at the devil.

He scratched his bald head, looking perplexed. "Jackie, you're really perceptive and stuff, but other than the wings, they're just normal."

"No, you idiot. Pay attention to the girl!"

Mike stared at the girl for a minute, faintly thinking that she wasn't too bad looking, before his eyes lit up, pulsing with a brilliant scarlet. "That is so weird."

"I know! Do you think we should talk to her?"

"Hey guys? Do you think you could let me in on the reason why she's weird? Because I am totally lost."

"But... she can't see us."

Jackie bit her lip an pulled him close. "Look, we're not supposed to talk about it, but we can make them see us."


"All those weirdos who have claimed to see death? Yeah."

"Well then I guess we should go ask why she..."

"Why she what?' Melanie yelled. "Why is she different? She looks totally normal! Someone tell me what is going on!"

Jackie whipped around, her eyes set in a glare that was the single most terrifying thing Melanie had ever seen. "She has five souls. In one body. Happy?"

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