11: Party Time, Parting Time

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     A little before noon the following day, Twilight trotted into the lesser ballroom alongside Luna, only to find herself back in the hallway as she was hit by hurricane Pinkie. "TWILIGHT!! We've missed you SO much!"

     Twilight hugged her excitable friend back before struggling to her hooves. "But I just saw you a bit over a day ago Pinkie."

     "That doesn't count. And anyway, it feels like it's been months since then!"

     "Twilight!" Spike called as he ran out of the ballroom to hug her.

     "Hey Spike," she murmured as she returned the hug and nuzzled his cheek. "It's good to see you again."

     By this point, the rest of her friends had poured out and she found herself the center of a group hug. Some of them were squeezing her so hard that it was hard to breath, but she hardly minded at the moment - she was too happy to finally be together with them again.

     Finally the hug broke up and Rarity was the first to speak. "I must say, Darling, you look much better than expected given what we were told as you were hauled off."

     "Ah agree Sugarcube, you sure are lookin' well."

     "So, you coming home soon Twi? Ponyville just isn't the same without you there."

     "We really have missed you Twilight."

     "Quite so dear. Letters aren't the same as getting to see someone face-to-face, and you were unavailable after a fashion even before you came to Canterlot. When might we expect you back?"

     She met Luna's gaze briefly where she remained standing by the door to the ballroom before answering, knowing that this would set the timeframe for the end of their ideal. "Well, it should only be another few days at most. I'm completely better now, but I want to double-check and make sure before returning."

     "You never did tell us what made you so sick," Rarity prodded.

     "Let us just say it was an unforeseen consequence of her becoming an alicorn," a new voice chimed in.

     Twilight turned to hug her former mentor as the others bowed.

     "Come now my little ponies, there is no need for that. We're here for a party are we not? Though I thought it was to take place in the ballroom and not in the hallway." A small smile and twinkle of the eye accompanied the statement.

     "Right! PARTY TIME!" cried Pinkie as she somehow managed to grab everypony at once and drag them all into the room.


     The party was fairly typical for a Pinkie Party. Music, decorations, dessert, smiles, and happy conversation. Without planning or thinking about it, Twilight and Luna tended to stay close by each other as they took part in the various party diversions. This didn't go entirely unnoticed.

     During a lull in the festivities, Rarity stepped forward with a knowing smile on her face. "You know Twilight, I can't help noticing how closely you and Princess Luna have been keeping to each other. Is there perhaps something you'd like to share?"

     All talk stopped as the other six pairs of eyes immediately focused on the two suddenly blushing princesses. Both were exchanging glances, only just then aware of how obvious they'd been without meaning to.

     "Oh my, it would appear that I wasn't so off base after all, hmm?" Celestia piped up with a devious smirk, causing Luna's blush to deepen. "I have to congratulate your acting skills. I honestly thought you were oblivious."

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