04: Seeking Understanding

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     Twilight woke first that evening. For a short time she simply lay still and enjoyed the feel of Luna's side pressed against her and the wing over her back, but slowly the memory she had seen demanded her focus. She tried to think of any historical references to an Ursa threat so that she could place when or where that confrontation had occurred, but came up blank. While she could recall reading of cases where individual ponies had angered an Ursa, it was usually only the Ursa Minors which would follow the unfortunate individual any great distance. An Ursa Major was usually content to chase the pony, or ponies, out of their immediate territory.

     She shifted slightly so that she could see Luna's face. She looked tired, even while asleep, and perhaps a bit haunted. The glow of moonlight from her made it difficult to read the smaller signs of the face though. That glow...

     She really is quite beautiful when radiating moonlight, but I think I like her better when she's not.

     Twilight had been in awe when Luna first showed her. The dark blue, star-speckled mane and tail framed her form like the night sky around the moon. It truly was as though the moon itself had come down and taken pony form. But, as lovely as the sight remained, it made Luna seem just that much more unattainable.

     Which may not be a bad thing given how much trouble I've been having keeping my imagination in check lately...

     It was clear enough that Luna harbored no such feeling toward her. The straightforward reply of "no point risking another rude awakening" in response to Twilight questioning the bedtime cuddle Luna had initiated said that. As if to enhance that point, Luna woke and flipped her wing closed, then stood and made her way toward the balcony to raise the moon. All without looking at Twilight or saying a word.

     Twilight heard the knocks signaling their breakfast and, sighing internally, rose to bring in the meal while Luna stood at the balcony bringing up the moon.


     Luna had decided to rest on the balcony this night. There wasn't anything else that currently required her attention, and she was tired. But more, she was scared. Now Twilight knew. Would she decide to no longer be her friend? Twilight hadn't said a word to her since they woke, and she was afraid to say anything herself without having an idea about how the purple alicorn would react. Breakfast had taken place in silence and afterward Twilight had immediately begun working through a pile of scrolls from Ponyville which had arrived with their meal.

     What if she only stays here because it is necessary?


     She looked over to see Twilight had come to join her on the balcony, though she remained standing. She seemed hesitant about something, but Luna could read nothing in her face and feared to hear what she would say.

     "Do you think-? Could you tell me what happened?"

     Well, that wasn't quite what Luna had been expecting. "The Ursa?"

     Twilight nodded and finally sat down facing her. "I missed parts and still don't understand when or how it happened. I can't recall any mention of it in the Equestrian history books I've studied."

     A tinge of amusement crept in around her fear as Luna noted that Twilight looked almost insulted (at least thoroughly annoyed) that her beloved books had failed her. There was an urge to smile and tease her about it, but Luna didn't have the heart for it at that moment. Instead, turning to the moon for calm, she replied, "There are reasons for that. Primarily the fact that if it had been know it might have resulted in a war with the griffons."

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