01: Almost Too Late

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     Celestia always enjoyed receiving letters from Twilight Sparkle, so when one arrived during breakfast she paused with a smile to read it. The smile didn't last.

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Dear Princess Celestia,

     I need your advice concerning an illness I have come down with. I have been unable to find any information on it in my new library, the medical ponies here in Ponyville don't know what it is or how to treat it, and even Zecora is stumped.

     The first symptoms appeared a few days after the battle with Tirek, though I didn't recognize them as such at the time. It started with a slight headache and a feeling of being overheated when in the sun. Those symptoms became more pronounced each day until I could no longer ignore the headache, felt overheated even indoors, and burned as though standing too close to a bonfire if I went out in the sun. Dizziness and light sensitivity also began to be a problem.

     It is almost as though I have developed albinism, but that isn't a condition a pony can spontaneously develop. And an albino wouldn't continue to have symptoms when inside and in the dark. It has been so bad lately that I've had to lock myself in my room, unable to do anything during the day. Strangely though, I feel perfectly fine most nights if I am outdoors or near a window.

     If you don't have any suggestions on what else I can try, could you let the archivist know that I plan to visit your library in Canterlot tonight if the symptoms fade enough for me to travel? Perhaps I can find something there to explain what this is or how to treat it.

Ever your student,
     Twilight Sparkle

~~~~~ ********** ~~~~~

     Feeling rather as though she had just been doused in ice water and thrown into a blizzard, she read through the letter a second time. And then a third. She knew one thing that fit those symptoms, but she also knew that there was no way for that particular condition to affect ponies. Regardless of that fact, that is what it sounded like and it would be unwise to ignore the possibility until it had been ruled out. Which meant that there was no time to waste.

     The thought of breakfast completely forgotten, she teleported into her sister's room and rushed toward her bed, "Luna, wake up! You must travel to Ponyville immediately!"


     Luna's mind was busy as she followed Spike on the way to Twilight's room. She knew he wanted reassurances about Twilight, mostly because he kept asking, but she couldn't give him any answers. She needed to see Twilight first. She knew what her sister thought it was and had to admit that she didn't know anything else that fit the symptoms, but it didn't make any sense.

     Of course, it doesn't matter if it makes sense or not. If she's right, then we may already be too late.

     She shook herself out of those thoughts and took in that Spike had stopped. She was fairly certain he'd asked another question, but she hadn't been paying attention and there wasn't time to ask him to repeat it. Instead, she simply opened the door they had stopped beside and walked into the dark room.

     It took a few seconds for her eyes to sort out the various objects in the room and locate Twilight in her bed...and she felt her insides twist. Bloodshot, uncomprehending eyes met hers in the brief moments that Twilight faced her way before turning away and trying to dig weakly into the covers.

     Even without a diagnostic spell it was obvious that Twilight was not well. She had visibly lost weight, her ribs were beginning to show, her fur lacked any luster, and feathers on her wings were ragged. When Luna did cast the diagnostic she could see that Twilight's own body was attacking itself, exactly as with that.

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