Chapter One

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The wind gently kissed Gabriel's skin and made his robe flutter slightly. The archangel spread his three pairs of golden wings, enjoying the feel and sound of wind in his feathers. He was standing in a place where he could see down through the clouds to Earth. He came here every so often to watch the humans. It was one of Gabriel's favourite places to go in Heaven when he needed to think.

His Father, God (or Chuck as he liked to be called), had just brought home a new baby angel. Gabriel was excited to have a younger sibling. Neither Gabriel nor his other siblings new the gender of the new baby. Technically, no one should know that there was a new baby, but Gabriel had ways of finding things out. He was known for being a bit of a trickster, especially with his siblings.

Gabriel was thinking about how his siblings might react. Well, the ones that would care, anyway. Balthazar, Michael, and Raphael might be excited. Not as excited as Gabriel, but they still might be excited. Lucifer... Well, Gabriel didn't even know what to do with that angel half the time. He wouldn't be excited, but he probably wouldn't mind, if he even cared at all.

Gabriel heard a soft sound behind him and turned. His eyes landed on a tiny angel with tiny black wings. Gabriel felt tears prickle in his eyes and he crouched down, holding his hands out to the little angel. He finally noticed Chuck standing a couple of feet behind the baby. The angel looked at Gabriel with such trusting eyes that Gabriel felt his heart melt. I love him, Gabriel thought. I don't even know his name yet and I already love him.

"His name is Castiel," Chuck said quietly, compassion filling his voice.

"Castiel," Gabriel whispered, testing the sound of it. "It's perfect." He turned to his new brother. "Come here, Castiel," he said gently. Castiel looked at Gabriel again and took a step toward him. The baby angel looked back at Chuck.

"It's okay," Chuck told him. "He's your brother, Gabriel." Castiel smiled and giggled, melting Gabriel's heart yet again. Castiel suddenly ran to Gabriel, who immediately enveloped him in a hug. Gabriel stood up with Castiel in his arms. He smiled down at his brother and kissed the top of his head.

"Welcome to paradise, little bro."

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