Sparks [Mini Arc-Part 3]

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A/N: Okkkkk. Um....this is so EMBARRASSING!!!! I, um, wrote something wrong.....You know when I said Seiichi was 'friends with benefits' with someone, either Sora, Syusuke, Keigo etc...........? UM. Er. He's not that kind of friend with benefits. He's actually "friends" with them, with BENEFITS. NOT. I repeat. NOT, this:

 NOT, this:

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NOT THAT. NOT THAT. NOT THAT. NOT THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I repeat. NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT!!!!! 

They're just friends. Like, business partners, acquaintances etc. stuff like that. Just FRIENDS with BENEFITS. Like, ACTUAL benefits. NOT the, um, stuff. lets move



Ryoma's POV:

It was the last of training camp. It was cloudy and there was a light drizzle. And Seiichi and Sanada were still arguing whether or not to cancel the last practice.

"Why should we? It's only a drizzle!" Sanada exclaimed. How he manage to do that in a monotone was beyond me.

"Of course we should. It's a drizzle," Seiichi said, amused. 

I face-palmed and shared an exasperated look with Akaya. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Seiichi give me a quick wink. I heard Seiichi clap his hands in a childish manner.

"Oooo! We should play a game instead!" Seiichi declared sweetly with a sadistic glint in his eye. It contrasted deeply with his innocent, childlike claps. "Don't you think so, Chiro-chan? Hmm??"

Sanada winced visibly at the buchou's nickname for him. I could see his resolve crumbling.....but thank goodness he still held up a defiant stance! Sanada met Seiichi's dangerous gaze with a sizable amount of nervousness and uncertainty, but I have to give him credit for even managing to do that.

"What game?" Sanada choked out.

Seiichi shrugged nonchalantly.

"I was thinking.........." Seiichi began. He smiled widely..."Never have I ever?"

Screaming and shrieking and loud 'NO!'s and 'HELL NO!!!'s broke out instantly. I have a feeling this isn't going to turn out well..........Even Sora looked horrified......And he was normally quite calm............And Yanagi's snapped open with suppressed fear........Even Sanada looked spooked!

Oh dear. 

Seiichi was looking at me.....

Um....I'll just, uh, move behind Akaya....Um.....yeah.............uh..........WHY ARE YOU STILL LOOKING AT ME!?!?!?!?!?! 

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