School with Kirihara [Mini Arc-Part 2]

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Ryoma POV:

I looked at the board, utterly bored. The teacher was rambling on and on about some stupid line segments that I learned in the US, and I was soon nodding off to sleep.

"Echizen-kun," he called on me.

I snapped open my eyes, and gave him a glare. I stood up, and snatched the chalk piece out of his hands. The people who rudely wakes me from my sleep are not easily forgiven. Yawning, I drowsily  wrote down what I remembered from my homework and threw the chalk back at the teacher. When I walked back to my seat, I left the class gaping with surprise and shock. Murmurs of a potential math prodigy rose, and I just rolled my eyes at their idiotic nature. 

The math teacher, I forgot what his name was, was standing there, unmoving, but suddenly smiled in a weird creepy way.

"We FINALLY have someone smart...." He said happily. "Your talent will not be a waste."

With that, I was shoved in the class with the second years. But could only smirk when I saw a certain seaweed haired boy. The teacher looked me over and made a quick announcement.

"We have a new student....Echizen-kun, if you may," she said with a cheerful smile.

"Ah, ok. Hello everyone, my name is Ryoma Echizen, I'm single and I hope to stay that way," I said, bored. I brightly smiled at the way the girls' eyes dropped in defeat. So! I'm apparently a 2nd year now....?

Kirihara looked up, and groaned. The teacher, seeing that, beamed, and told me to sit beside him. All through class, he was edging away from me, and could only give me a weak smile when I looked at him with fake surprise.

(Let's skip over science and Japanese class, since I slept through those....)

When it was time for lunch, Kirihara was going to follow me through the doors, when he was grabbed by the Japanese teacher...also the teacher that I called to when I pulled Kirihara down in the hallways......Oh well.

"DETENTION FOR YOU, YOUNG MAN!!" She said, angry. I could only smile. But then I glowered angrily when I heard her next sentence. "Look at that poor girl over there! It was a good thing I caught you, or she might have--"

"Wait, you thought Ryo-chan--I mean, Echizen, was a girl?" Kirihara said, laughing, but quickly changed the words when he saw my intense glare.

I twitched, and stalked out the room, not even bothering to hear what the teacher was going to say to that.

And here I thought I would like school.

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