Chapter 1: The Starbucks Employee

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Authors note:

Here's the first chapter guys! It's gonna be a little short and awkward within the first couple but I hope you don't mind :)

I only own my characters but not fall out boy :'(


Chapter 1: The Starbucks Employee

(Audrey Collins | Third Person)

Everything was quiet in the apartment. Well, mostly quiet. There were a couple of birds outside chirping away but you could hardly hear them over the neighbours parrot which sat in its cave on their balcony next door. If someone was awake within the apartment, they would be able to hear the clock hanging on the living room wall ticking away slowly, echoing throughout the different rooms.

In the corner of the living room there was a large ball of grey and white fluff curled up. It could have been a unique looking bean bag or maybe a large cushion or even a large fluffy blanket. But anyone who knew the owner of the apartment would know that the giant ball of fluff was just a giant Old English Sheep dog known as Monty - as it said on the dog tag attached to his collar that was hidden beneath large clumps of grey and white fur.

The fluffy dog known as Monty suddenly sat up, awaking from his slumber causing his slightly loud snores to cease. He looked around while letting out a yawn but its surprising how he could see due to the amount of hair that disguised his eyes like curtains.

He rose to his feet and stretched out his large body before beginning to make his way towards the main bedroom. His paws tapping against the wooden floor. The door was only slightly open but for the giant English sheepdog - this was no problem at all.

Shoving his snout against the door, Monty used his nose to push the door open. His head turned as he attempted to spot his owner. Soon he spotted her and let out a low bark before he slowly padded towards her.

He jumped up and walked across the bed and stood over the sleeping woman in front of him. He stood there panting and she screwed her eyes up tighter in disgust the terrible smell of dog breath ht her. She rolled over and shoved her face deeper into her pillow.

"Go away Monty..." She mumbled.

Monty let out a bark, urging his owner to wake up; but all he got in return was a grumble from the sleeping brunette. Suddenly, an iPhone that lay on the bedside table on charge began to vibrate as some tried to call the sleeping girl.

The girl cursed under her breath and sat up with major bed hair and grabbed the iPhone and unlocked it, answering the phone.

"Hello?" She spoke into the phone.

"Audrey! Where are you? Boss is gonna be here in half an hour and if he sees your late again, he's gonna fire you!" The voice on the other line shouted.

Audrey had to pull the phone away form her ear for the fear of becoming deaf. She winced and when she realised the person had stopped talking she brought the phone back to her ear.

"Can you repeat that quietly, please? I just felt like my ear drums were being burst!" Audrey said.

This responses in an impatient sigh.

"Your late. When Jake gets here and sees your late again - you're fired!"

"What time is it?"

"It's already eleven."


"Okay, see you-"

Audrey's friend on the other line did say goodbye while laughing but Audrey never heard as she had quickly hung up and jumped out of her bed, causing her dog to also jump up in excitement. With the phone being abandoned somewhere on the bed beneath the giant messy duvet, Audrey rushed to her bathroom and quickly began to scrub her teeth harshly while using her other hand to quickly reach over and grab her hair brush.

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