Chapter 5 The Fight for Survival

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SoniK and Cassandra brush each other off and start walking towards the buildings in town.  Everyone was nowhere to be seen.  SoniK and Cassandra ran for hours when they finally found the maximum security prison.  They walked towards it and they saw a shadow falling from the sky sot hey jumped back to dodge.  SoniK and Cassandra look up to find themselves surrounded by people in black cloths and one stepped forward and said "you can't go any farther but please come whit us." "who are you people?" "you know us but we were friends, then enemies and now no idea what we are." He then stuck out his hand and SoniK looked at Cassandra and she shrugged, then said "Why not?" SoniK then took his hand and SoniK grabbed Cassandra then all of them disappeared. In the blink of an eye, SoniK and Cassandra were in a place whit everyone form the city.  "Let me ask you.  Do you remember who we are?" "No I don't" "How about now?" said the person, in the black hood closest to SoniK, as he took of his hood.  "Death, Jadena, Ethan, Skylar, Renea, Cema?" "How are you guys?" "We are fine and after the worm incident we remembered everything.  But most of the citizens are still sick or in bad conditions." Death shows SoniK and Cassandra all the citizens and how bad they are.  "How many years has it been?" "It has only been two years" "How do we help them?" "We have to kill the 'Infestor' of the Dragon God Slayers" "Where do we find him?" "Her and we don't know, we only know about her gender form the citizens." "Let Cassandra and I find her easily if she comes after us.  Oh and I know that we are in the sewers and can smell it." SoniK and Cassandra both left the sewers and went into the city.  SoniK and Cassandra walked around town while looking around for the "Infestor".  A figure moved in one  of the buildings while hitting multiple items at once.  SoniK and Cassandra kept on walking.  They walked past several noises and then a girl tried to attack SoniK and Cassandra but they both dodged and SoniK it the back of her neck knocking her out.  SoniK picker her up and carried her with him.  SoniK and Cassandra walked back to the base with her over SoniK's arm.  "Here she is" SoniK said as he put her down on a table.  "All right let's kill her and save them." Death said as he pulled out a knife.  "Wait.  How do we even know it is her?" said a citizen "We don't but the best way to know is to kill her and see if you get better." Death brought the knife down and missed the girl because SoniK moved her body.  Death looked at him and SoniK said "I had a feeling not to trust you sorry I just found it suspicious that his many citizens and you 6 have little injuries and aren't under control of this 'Infestor'.  You need a better plan next time and I know where this 'Infestor' is thanks to our first meeting." Everyone's expression changed from in pain and sad to surprised and angry.  Everyone that wasn't already standing got up and walked toward SoniK and Cassandra.  SoniK and Cassandra grabbed the girl and vanished before the enemies' eyes.  SoniK put down the girl when all three of them were safe.  SoniK walked toward a window and looked to for Death and everyone else.  While SoniK looked out the window, Cassandra tried to wake up the girl.  The girl woke up and ran to a corner "Who are you people?" "We are people who are trying to help." "Why are you actually here?" The little girl said while shaking in fear.  "We are here to stop what started long ago.  May I ask what your name is Little Girl?" SoniK asked while trying away from the window, "My name is Marissa." Marissa said looking cheerfully at SoniK.  "Ok, Marissa we need you to leave us and don't come back because we are about to do something stupid." SoniK told Marissa with a straight face.  Marissa cried, turned away and walked away.  "Why did you have to do that to a little kid?" Cassandra asked SoniK "If I didn't do that she could die really soon." SoniK said and Cassandra agreed with him.  SoniK and Cassandra walked into the prison and found pods with people in them.  They kept on walking even after they found pods with Death, Ethan, Skylar, Renea, Cema and Jadena in them but the pods wouldn't budge.  SoniK and Cassandra walked for a while and then the floor fell underneath SoniK.  SoniK said to Cassandra telepathically to fight and get back to each other.  SoniK kept on falling and eventually he heard water so he decided to float and move forward.  SoniK then came upon a room that destroyed minds.  SoniK walked in the door shut behind him.  The lights went out and then flickered there was something in the distance.  Every time the  lights flickered and it moved closer eventually it was right next to SoniK and SoniK never moved, when it was right on top of him SoniK only stared at it.  The thing looked right back at SoniK in the eyes and then it ran away cowering.  SoniK walked forward and through a door then closed the door.  SoniK saw somethings that would destroy a normal person.  SoniK then felt a telepathic pulse come from Cassandra as he found it but he couldn't say anything because it reads minds.  SoniK then ran towards Cassandra's beacon.  Once SoniK got in the room, he found Cassandra in a pod asleep.  SoniK instantly ran over to her pod and banged on it.  The "Infestor" walked up and slowly clapped her hands. SoniK instantly turned his head towards her and smiles.  "Hokes on you" SoniK said as he look at the "Infestor" while putting his hand on the pod.  "What are you talking about?" said the "Infestor" confused.  SoniK then started to merge with Cassandra, who was still in the pod, SoniK pulled Cassandra out and she merged with him.  SoniK then unmerged with Cassandra and she was awake out of her pod and both SoniK and Cassandra fought the "Infestor".  The "Infestor" easily took down Cassandra and SoniK and then put them in pods across the room.  The pods were like no other these pods slowly kill you while you are asleep inside.  These pods loved power so they loved SoniK and Cassandra.  SoniK was getting drained faster then Cassandra because he had more power and he was more dangerous.  AT one point the power got so bad that SoniK started to see the gate guardian welcoming him back tot he dead Dragon God realm.  SoniK started to reach out his hand but then all of his friends' spirits came to him and pushed him back.  SoniK's eyes opened in the pod and the "Infestor" jumped and said "How is this possible?" The pod started to crack and thin it exploded letting SoniK out.  SoniK stands up and runs over to Cassandra's pod and brakes it open.  Cassandra stands up and hugs SoniK.  SoniK then merges with Cassandra and they start to fight the "Infestor".  The fight goes on far several hours until the "Infestor" manages to get a powerful attack in on SoniK.  SoniK and Cassandra decide to go into Dragon God Sage mode.  The "Infestor" loses an arm right after she manages to rip off SoniK's wings.  SoniK and Cassandra decide that it is not well to hold back to fight in Dragon Sage High Priest mode.  SoniK moves so fast that the "Infestor" can 't keep up and she then loses an leg.  She just laughs and goes to attack SoniK and Cassandra but they dodge her attack like it was nothing and attack her but she also dodged it.  "You're not the only one to be able to move fast." said the "Infestor". She then managed to fly and get a hit in on SoniK and Cassandra in their High Priest mode.  SoniK managed to be able to tear off an ear with his hand.  The "Infestor" got so mad that she turned off all of the lights in the building.  The thing from SoniK's trail room showed up and let the lights flicker.  SoniK just let himself stand there and take hit after hit eventually he floated down and the "Infestor" flew down next to him and said "I thought you would get more power from your new form but you are still weak." After the "Infestor" finished speaking SoniK smiled.  SoniK looked directly at her and she flinched in fear.  The lights stopped flickering and SoniK stood back up.  The "Infestor" started to run away but SoniK got right in front of her and forced her back.  The "Infestor" threw a punch at SoniK but he wasn't fazed by it at all.  SoniK threw a punch and the "Infestor" was sent flying into a wall.  The "Infestor" finds the thing from SoniK's path and absorbs it.  The "Infestor" comes back and punches SoniK and SoniK decides to go into Dragon God Sage mode.  SoniK instantly gets his arm broken and his legs broken so he goes back into Dragon God High Priest mode.  The "Infestor" slowly did damage to SoniK and SoniK did damage to the "Infestor".  SoniK instantly realized that the base was destroyed ans so was the entire town.  SoniK then fought the "Infestor" while traveling back in time.  At first, they fought on a meteor traveling towards Earth that killed the dinosaurs.  Then, they fought on a big planet the battle on the planet was so intense that only the core was left and it orbited the Earth.  Next, they fought on the dig-site of the future building.  Finally, they were back in the base and the "Infestor" was on the floor unconscious.  SoniK ran over to the pods and tried to rip them open but they wouldn't move.  The "Infestor" started to laugh and she said "Until I am dead they shall stay sealed." SoniK then ran over to her an dripped off her legs.  SoniK then picker her up and threw her out a window into a it of lava.  SoniK heard a clasp become undone and he turns around and the "Infestor" walks out perfectly fine.  SoniK instantly flashes over to her and shoves his hand where her heart is.  Another pod opened but three people who look like the "Infestor" come out and they all say "Which one is real?" SoniK then tears out the hearts f two of them and breaks the neck of another.  Several pods open but more people who look like the "Infestor" come to and SoniK groans.  SoniK flashes around the room and kills 6 of them.  The last "Infestor" is the real one.  She fought SoniK with a fiery passion.  She managed to get one leg of SoniK's in an instant and SoniK got her arm.  SoniK then charged and got her leg as she go this arm.  She then dove at SoniK and SoniK moved out of her way.  She then broke the glass and fell  out the window she still  had a grip on the floor so she got back up.  She fought hard with SoniK but the floor gave out before either one of them.  SoniK flew at her to attack but she jumped and nailed SoniK in the back knocking him down onto the crumbling floor.  SoniK grabbed onto a part of the floor before he fell into the lava below. "Not so tough are we now?" the "Infestor" said as she pit in his face.  She then knelt down and began to punch SoniK's hand but right then the floor where she collapses beneath her.  She then fell into the lava and died.  SoniK got up and went back a mode and had all of his limbs back.  He then brought the building back in time to before the floor fell.  SoniK and Cassandra split apart and fell on the floor gasping for breath.  All over the place in the building, pods were opening and people slowly came out of them.  Death, Skylar, Ethan, Cema, Renea, and Jadena came out and ran to SoniK and Cassandra.  SoniK looked up at Death and just smiled.  Death helped SoniK get up and Jadena helped Cassandra get up.  SoniK and Cassandra laughed and said "We did it" in unison.  They then jugged for a little bit and then stopped.  SoniK walked over to the window and saw the hand of the "Infestor" in the lava.  SoniK squinted at the wall and found a portal and he was confused.  SoniK decided to shrug and talk to his friends but as soon as SoniK turned around the portal was right behind him.  A hand reached through the portal and grabbed SoniK and SoniK struck his hand out.  Cassandra grabbed SoniK's hand and was pulled in with him.

End Book 2

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