Chapter 2 The Battlefield that Changes All

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Cassandra rests her head on SoniK as she falls and says "You're warm" and then dies leaning on him and SoniK has a strong will so he stays alive and unsealed to see who it is and he finds that to his surprise it it Ethan. Everything then goes dark and there is no sound. SoniK then sees a body and he notices that it is Cassandra's. "Cassandra!" SoniK shouted at the top of his lungs Cassandra turned around but she was covered in blood and said "You did this to me" and vanish then the darkness vanished. SoniK sat up and looked around he was in a grass field he then asked "Where am I?" he then looks down and notices that he left ash marks of a dragon shape where he was. SoniK looked up and there was the moon with a sword stabbed through it. SoniK then stood up and a spear landed next to his leg so he took off running in the opposite direction. SoniK was then tackled by someone and they tied up his hands. "Who are you?" SoniK asked "That's what I want to know" said the person who had tackled him. The warrior took SoniK back to her village and tied him to a pole in the middle. The village people all spat on SoniK and kicked him. SoniK did nothing back to them he just sat there. The village people then left him alone and the warrior tried to get information from him. "What is your name?" "My name is SoniK how about yours?" "My name is Gracie and my husband is the chief of the village and his name is Collin." "Wait are you pregnant with a son?" Her face then changed "How do you know?" "Let me guess his name is SoniK" She then gets ready to punch him "How do you know!?" "I know because I was told that my mom was named Gracie and my father named Collin and they died right after I was born from being shot and from giving birth." "How old are you" Gracie asked "I am only 22 years old" "What year were you born?" "2000 A.D. why what year is it?" "It is 19 A.D." "Wait how do I know that you are my son?" SoniK manages to get up and he slides up his sleeve and there are marks on his arm "These are birth marks I think." "These are the marks of our tribe we pass them down form parents to child every time let me see your other arm." SoniK then moves his head to the side and looks down. Gracie runs up and rips off his sleeve she then falls down and scoots away from him holding her mouth. Collin come out of the tent and sees Gracie on the floor and he runs up to punch SoniK but Gracie stops him and says "Don't harm our son." Collin instantly looks at her, looks down, then he looks up and takes off the ropes and SoniK rubs one of his wrists. "To prove that you are one of us you must fight him." "Him who?" "You'll see" said Collin dragging SoniK off towards a Colosseum. Collin slapped his hand down on a guy "Yo need to fight Eli." said Collin SoniK was given a short sword and Eli was given armor, a sword and a shield. Eli instantly charged at SoniK and SoniK doges his attack. SoniK then attacked back at Eli and Eli blocked the attack sending SoniK off his balance then he stabbed SoniK but no blood was on the sword so Eli kept swinging and SoniK's clothes were getting destroyed. SoniK finally fell onto the ground. Eli then stabbed SoniK in the right eye covered by the cloth. SoniK then sighed and took off his cloth covering his body and stood up. Eli's expression instantly changed from laughing and smiling to frowning and fearful. SoniK then walked toward Eli and suddenly the Colosseum began to shake and out of the ground came old knights in full armor and walls made of bone. Eli ran to one of the walls but the knights appeared and blocked him from leaving. SoniK then charged at Eli and Collin stopped SoniK and SoniK snapped out of his daze and the walls and the knights left. SoniK then fainted in Collin's arms. When SoniK woke up in different clothes and in a house. Gracie then walks in and says "About time you woke up" "How long have I been asleep?" "3 days" "My head still hurts" "Well judging that fight I would expect so. Oh and by the way why are you like that?" Gracie asked as she got water prepared. "I was in a house fire and my adopted family died but I lived. Gracie walks around the tent then she walks over to SoniK and says "Here drink this and wait here until I come back." Gracie then walks out of the tent and someone tried to talk to SoniK but she was kicked out of the tent. "What is her name?" asked SoniK "Us girls don't get a name until we get married and our husbands name us." replied Gracie "I personally like to call her Sophie" said SoniK "Oh by the way SoniK you are a god." "You are our god of dragons." "Your god name is Brook but you are my son named SoniK" said Gracie as she hugged SoniK then she stood back up and gave SoniK some food. "Stay and rest" said Gracie pushing SoniK back down onto the bed. SoniK slept for another day but when he woke up Sophie was right next to him. SoniK freaked out but Sophie hugged him and said, "I finally found you" as she cried. "Sorry but do I know you besides yesterday?" "No you don't but I know you." All of the sudden the tent caught on fire. SoniK and Sophie ran out of the tent and saw Eli lead Collin and Gracie away. Eli then ran over to SoniK and Sophie and said let's go you saw where they went didn't you?" "Yes" "Then go there now." Then Eli got stabbed in the heart. "Go now" said Eli as he fell. SoniK started to walk forward but then Sophie grabbed him and said "Hold on." Out of nowhere a dragon appeared but it burned everything. Sophie ran towards the dragon and SoniK called out to her and she looked back and said, "You do know me" she smiled and then she turned into a black and white dragon. Sophie then flew off and fought the other dragon bu she came crashing back down and then she went back into her human self. SoniK ran to her and screamed right after he screamed warriors that fell rose back up and the knights came up and suited Eli. Eli and the knights then fought the God killers and the dragon. The knighted Eli grabbed SoniK and Sophie then he brought them to the place where Gracie and Collin are. The dragon wall popped up and blocked all enemies from getting in. The dragon wall disappeared a day later when SoniK woke up and everyone else was killed. SoniK, Sophie, Gracie, and Collin walked out and then SoniK and Sophie vanished into thin air. "Wait where are we now?" "I don't know" Sophie responded. "SoniK?" asked on old pregnant Gracie and an old, hobbling Collin. "You haven't aged at all" said Gracie and Collin. SoniK asked both Gracie and Collin "How many years has it been?" "It has been centuries because the time era now is 1999 A. D." SoniK then burst into tears "So many centuries passed in a heart beat." "Wait when is 2000 A. D.?" asked SoniK "In 3 days" replied Gracie. Gracie and Collin then led SoniK and Sophie to their house. They went to sleep and SoniK was unconscious till the last day before 2000 A. D. Gracie was laying in her bed but she was in labor. Gracie screamed and then she gave birth to a baby SoniK and saw his face then she died. Collin and SoniK were crying. All of the sudden their door was kicked in and the God Hunters said "Stop right there!" Collin moved an inch and they shot him. SoniK got engulfed in rage and his eyes turned red. SoniK wasn't in control of his body but he saw everything. Sophie fell down unconscious. One of the God Hunters walked up to baby SoniK and touched him. SoniK's hand shot out killing the God Hunter. "Why did you kill him? Huh do you have a death wish or something?" asked a God Hunter. After the God Hunter asked the question, he immediately shot SoniK but it didn't affect him. SoniK then charged at the god Hunters and killed them. SoniK then regained control of his body and woke Sophie up. SoniK then grabbed baby SoniK and waked off to an orphanage and put a sing on his chest saying "My name is SoniK and I was born today." SoniK then knocked on the door and waited for the lady to come out. The lady asked SoniK what his name is and why the baby is there and SoniK replied saying "My name is my business and I knew the mother and she told me to bring him here before she died, "SoniK said "Oh and never tell him that he isn't special" "Hey why do you look like this baby?" "That is we are related and he has a lot in store for himself." SoniK said as he took off the bandages. SoniK walked off with Sophie. "SoniK I have to tell you something" "What is it Sophie?" "My reincarnation is going to happen soon and her name you know well it is Cassandra," SoniK looked back at Sophie surprised "and Cassandra always knew." Sophie smiled at SoniK and then she said, "It's time for Cassandra to be born and for me to leave." Sophie then vanished and SoniK laughed and then he said "Well time to get back to my era." SoniK then summoned his dragon portal and walked through. The orphanage lady blinked several times and walked back through the doors and SoniK's life we know the story to here. A portal opened at the same place that SoniK got stabbed at but a few minutes after that incident. SoniK walked through the portal and Ethan started to flip out. SoniK walked over to Cassandra's body and said, "Sophie get up" Cassandra got up wiped the blood off herself and said "I thought I told you to call me by Cassandra after I got reincarnated." "You didn't but now I know." Ethan looked at SoniK and Cassandra and Cassandra said "SoniK one of your eyes are red." "Oh I know that's how it's been since that time at that house." Ethan started to spas out and a bug came out of his neck then it vanished. Ethan was out cold for hours and in those hours SoniK and Cassandra talked for a long time. "Cassandra I want you to know that you are not a pet but a great friend." Cassandra then smiles and cries saying "I feel that you are a great friend also SoniK." SoniK and Cassandra laughed and had a good time for hours. Ethan finally woke up and asked what happened. SoniK and Cassandra said nothing much and walked back with Ethan just chatting. When they get back the house is on fire and everyone was standing outside. "What happened?" "There were bugs everywhere and they tried to take us over." Death answered. "There is one place no one can enter but Cassandra and I because we were there when it was just having a protection spell on it." "Who put a spell on it?" "My parents when I was still in my mom's womb. Cassandra and I are the key to the house." SoniK said as he walked off toward the house and everyone followed. Everyone got to the house and it was covered in leaves and SoniK blew off all the stuff making the house looking old. Everyone went in and saw bones and dry blood everywhere. "Who did all this?" "I killed some but the ones on the bed are my birth parents." SoniK touched both of his parents' bodies and they joined the knights. Cassandra then ran over to SoniK and grabbed his arm SoniK turned around and all his friends said, "Kill the Dragon God" with God slaying swords.

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