Chapter 4 A life to live

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SoniK touched something with scales he turned to see that it is Cassandra.  "Cassandra what are you doing here?" "When a Dragon God dies so does their dragon."  SoniK started to walk around towards his grandpa and said "Train me" "If I train you, you might be able to get out of here." "Let's do this then" "Not yet first your dragon can't be with you." "What do you mean?" "Your dragon must leave your side and train on her own." SoniK and his grandpa kept talking back and forth and then SoniK turned around d looked into Cassandra's eyes and said "Go train and become stronger because eventually we will rise again." Cassandra then flew off with grandpa's dragon to go train.  "Grandpa what are we going to do?" 'We are doing nothing, you however will go on a quest to find out how to control your powers by the ones who come before me." "How do I do that?" "You must travel the land to get to all four of them but you must go through heir eras to find them." SoniK was then plunged into an era that happened a millennium ago.  SoniK then was on grass unconscious and people came over to see him.    SoniK woke up and he was in bed covered in blankets and not tied down like last time.  SoniK hears a person walk into the room and the person said "Oh nice to see you awake." "Who are you?" "I am the dragon God of his era and I found you in my garden so I should ask you.  Who are you?" "I am a Dragon God myself but I am dead trying to get back to life." "What is yours?" "My name is Shana" "Well my grandpa told me to find you and let you teach me how to increase my power and get my life force back." "Help me in my garden and I will help you." SoniK got up and helped Shana in the garden.  "Thank you for the help" "No problem" "Can you stand over there?" "Sure" SoniK walked over to the wall and said "What now?" "Now you train beat all of them and come back up and you will go onto the next." SoniK then fell through the floor that vanished underneath him.  SoniK landed on his feet in what looked like an arena.  Some walls started to reveal themselves as doors and 13 demons came out of the doors.  SoniK then started to glow and he overshot with power and then everything was gone.  Right after his powers left, SoniK was stabbed by a demon.  SoniK fell down and died.  SoniK saw his body below him and realized that he was dead SoniK yelled and reached out for his body and suddenly SoniK's body also shot out it's arm and SoniK found himself in his body.  He stood up and killed all of the demons and ran out the door to find himself coming out the shed in Shana's garden.  Shana walked up to SoniK and said "Welcome back" "You tricked me!" "No I didn't, don't you notice that you can now control your powers so you don't hurt the ones you love?  I also love how my great-great grandson looks." "How did you know?" "Being a Dragon God runs in the blood." SoniK then left Shana and found himself sitting under a tree next to an old woman.  "Who are you?" SoniK asked the old woman replied with "My mom and were great friends 80 years ago and I know you know me."  "I am still confused" "My nickname is Little Angel" "Little Angel!?" "Yeah and I am here to teach you what next to master." Little Angel then reached over and stabbed SoniK, with her hand, and SoniK started to fly up.  SoniK then hit his head on the ceiling that moved and looked like he was outside.  "If you can touch me. I will return you to normal." "Touching you is easy." SoniK then jumped towards Little Angel and she said "You think it was going to be easy?" SoniK jumped for hours on end but each time he got farther. Little Angel stabbed some food and it floated up to SoniK. SoniK ate the food and then he went to sleep. When SoniK woke up he realized that he was floating off of the ceiling. SoniK started to float down to Little Angel and tapped her on the shoulder and she stabbed him again with her hand. SoniK fell head first onto the ground. "Congratulations you now know how to float like a dragon in the wind." SoniK then disappeared and landed right next to his dad and his dad (Collin) said "All you need to know is how to kill without killing." "How do you do that?" "its simple all you have to do is destroy their spirit but not their mind nor body." "What do you mean by that dad?" "I will show you." Collin then made a replica of himself but all he did was stare at the replica and it was frightened. "you don't say anything you just stare an make them afraid of you if you're not frightening then they will laugh." "Ok let's try this." SoniK then made a replica of his dad and stared at it and it only laughed back. SoniK tried for three days but still failed. One day he woke up and stared at it once more and it was frightened of him. SoniK hugged his dad and then closed his eyes. He opened his eyes and saw his grandpa sitting here on a log across a fire form SoniK and SoniK said "Why am I here" "I am the last one to teach you anything." "Are we going to fight?" "Of course we are." SoniK's grandpa took a fighting stance and came at SoniK and SoniK jumped off the ground and floated for a couple seconds.  SoniK's grandpa instantly brought down SoniK.  SoniK stood back up and coughed up blood and Cassandra appeared next to SoniK while Grandpa's dragon sprayed next to Grandpa.  Grandpa then merged with his dragon and became a Dragon God in full black armor and scales.  SoniK and Cassandra then charged at SoniK's grandpa.  SoniK's grandpa then fault for behind SoniK and Cassandra and took them both down at once.  "What are you now?" SoniK asked his grandpa and his grandpa replied "I have become the superior of Dragon Gods." SoniK's grandpa then broke the ground separating SoniK and Cassandra.  SoniK then told Cassandra, telepathically, to down the crack.  Cassandra did what SoniK said and jumped down and SoniK jumped also.  SoniK speed up his falling speed to catch up with Cassandra.  One SoniK caught up to Cassandra, he said to her, "stretch your hand out." and she did.  All of the sudden, darkness filled the crack and out of the crack came a combined SoniK and Cassandra.  A smile found itself upon Grandpa's face.  The battle raged on and while it did the land began to change because of two Superior Dragon Gods. "You still aren't strong enough for life yet my young SoniK." Grandpa said as he beat SoniK down to the ground.  SoniK and Cassandra began to scream.  "Hold place or you will separate and lose all power from this form!" SoniK's grandpa yelled to try to help them.  SoniK and Cassandra screamed while being covered in light.  The light covered their body and then it shattered and SoniK's grandpa said "I tried to warn them." "Warn us about what?" said SoniK and Cassandra in Sage Dragon God armor and royal blue wings just like the armor.  "Let's fight some more" SoniK's grandpa said. "Yes let's fight some more" SoniK and Cassandra said SoniK fought his grandpa and the ground feel several feet Anna's walls started to collapse.  SoniK's grandpa laughed and SoniK realized he was back in his own body and not sharing one with Cassandra.  SoniK's grandpa stood up and said "We have both run out of energy not surprising though.  Our fight had changed this world." "Thanks for the fight and I am surprised at my ancestors being so strong." SoniK got up and hugged his grandpa.  SoniK reached out for Cassandra, pulled her up and hugged her.  SoniK's grandpa picked up his dragon and said to SoniK and Cassandra "Good luck getting back to the land of the living" "What do you mean by that?" "You have to fight guardians to get back." SoniK and Cassandra thanked grandpa and started walk off towards the gates that tower in the sky.  SoniK and Cassandra managed to find a sign that said "Dragon Gods go left Dragons go right" SoniK and Cassandra just shrugged and both went left but there was a barrier that bounced Cassandra back so SoniK walked back through and went right with Cassandra but he was also bounced back so he hugged Cassandra and then went to the left.  "Make it back to me at the top of the gates." Cassandra had told SoniK telepathically. SoniK just kept on walking and opened the door at the bottom of the gate.  SoniK slowly walked in and the lights turned on.  The lights centered on the middle of the room. "Great-great grandma Shana?!" "Ha, yes I am to be the first fight you have to live again." Shana then let loose SoniK's power and SoniK got his powers under control.  SoniK then charged at Shana and Shana dodged the attack.  Shana charged at SoniK and SoniK relied on his instincts and he managed to dodge the attack.  Right when Shana had a weak moment SoniK managed to get Shana.  Shana's ghost was able to disappear and a staircase appeared leading SoniK to the next floor.  SoniK walked up the staircase and saw Great-great grandma Little Angel.  Little Angel switched the gravity and charged at SoniK.  SoniK floated and dodged Little Angel's attack.  SoniK darted at Little Angel and Little Angel dodged his attack.  SoniK started to dart across the room while floating.  Little Angel started to float as well but SoniK managed to speed up and knockout Little Angel.  Little Angel's ghost disappeared and another staircase opened up.  SoniK walked up the staircase and saw lights int he room but once he got to the room the lights went out and only eyes could be seen everywhere.  SoniK instantly knew that this was his dad's room.  SoniK walked int he room and closed his eyes.  SoniK heard his father's footsteps all around him and so he opened his eyes and stared down the eyes and they all flinched as soon as SoniK got stabbed by his father and then the lights turned on.  SoniK then was able to grab his dad's sword and stab him with it.  Collin smiled and then vanished leaving another staircase for SoniK.  SoniK walked up the staircase and saw Cassandra but she was on the floor unconscious. SoniK ran over and managed to grab her as a bolt of darkness went behind him.  SoniK merged with Cassandra and looked at what shot the bolt of darkness and it was the grandpa again.  The grandpa turned into sage Dragon God mode and said "Let's do this fast" "Agreed" said SoniK and Cassandra as they went into Sage Dragon God mode.  They started to fight but SoniK and Cassandra fell first.  SoniK and Cassandra continuously fought and then cracks formed int their armor. "We need to stop or you will die again." said Grandpa "No let's keep going." SoniK and Cassandra replied.  They kept fighting and the armor broke revealing a light blue set of armor and light blue wings. "I have passed sage Dragon God mod.  I a now a High Priest Dragon God." SoniK and Cassandra managed to defeat Grandpa and walked forward past the broken ground and towards the gate.  The gate doors open and someone walks through and says "Are you sure about this, this is your only change to come back to life again and if your heart isn't pure you will be dragged back down here." "I am sure and my heart is pure." "You may pass though the portal" the stranger then vanished.  SoniK and Cassandra separated and then walked through.  SoniK and Cassandra woke up holding hands while reaching out of their grave site.  

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