Chapter 19

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Everyone got up to eat before first light. "I'm going to town. I have to get things to fix the fence. I can cut trees to make posts with but I am going to get some chain link fence to reinforce it. A second line of defense i guess you could say. While I'm gone, someone needs to take the girls to target practice and someone needs to guard this place" Billy said looking at everyone. Davis agreed to teach the girls. Billy reminded him not to go to far because he didn't know the roads yet. Tyrone agreed to watch the house. So Carter got his gear and went with Billy.

Billy took back roads to a building supply surplus fifteen miles out of town. They rode in silence. Zombies were here and there but never tried to run after the truck. Some lay dead from the hail storm and tornado. Reaching the store Billy went around the back to where the hauling trailers were. The chain link fencing was locked up in the back of the warehouse. Taking his crowbar, Billy broke the lock and raised the door. After hitching a trailer to the truck he backed it into the warehouse then closed the door back down so they wouldn't get surprised.

Davis got lost driving through the winding roads. Frustrated he stopped at a farm house sitting next to the gravel road. Leading the way he took the girls to a big barn sitting in a small field behind it. Finding a empty feed sack inside he cut out three small circles for the girls to shoot at. He showed each of them how to look down the sights to hit a target. Then kept watch as the shooting began. After thirty minutes he looked at the circles. They done well but practice is something they needed more of. Reloading, they began again. After a few shots, Courtney stopped and stared toward the tree line behind the small field. "Why'd you stop" Davis asked. She put her hands on the girls shoulders, telling them to stop. "There coming" she whispered. Haley's face went pale. "Who" asked Mattie and Davis. "Those creatures" she said, "lots of them." "In the barn" Davis said looking around. He led them in and up a ladder to the hayloft. Opening the door at the top he looked out. "I don't see anything" he grumbled. "Wait for it" Courtney said. He looked out again. All he saw was the empty farmhouse and field behind it leading to the woods. "Come on there's nothing out there" Davis said walking back to the ladder. Mattie followed but Courtney, Haley, and Anthony stayed put. "Come on" Davis growled climbing down the ladder.

Mattie and he were standing at the targets. He looked up to the door in the hayloft where Courtney stood. Davis motioned her to come down. She pointed at the wood area behind the field. Coming out was a line of zombies. "Come on, we can make it to the car before they get here" he yelled. "Look across the road" Haley yelled. Across the road were more zombies coming out of the woods. Mattie outran Davis to the ladder, climbing up and whimpering.

Tyrone was nervous being here alone. What if a herd of zoms found the opening in the fence. He was only one person after all. He climbed to the roof laying low and quiet so he could see in all directions but nothing would see him. Being up high out of there reach was a plus to. 'So far so good' he thought.

Billy and Carter loaded rolls of chain-link and metal posts, rolls of barbed wire fencing, chicken wire, and fencing for cattle onto the trailer. They also found boards and two by fours for a chicken coup. "Since we're already here, we'll see if we can find anything useful after we get this loaded" Billy said, "we'll have to make at least one more trip to." They loaded as much as the trailer and truck bed could carry. Using tie downs to hold it on the trailer. Finding enough shovels, hammers, nails, post hole diggers, chainsaws, bags of cement powder and enough other supplies for everyone to chip in and get the place in order. "That hardware store down the road should have kerosene pumps. Then we can pump gas so we don't have to kill ourselves swallowing that shit" Billy said, "go out front and see if any of those fuckers are out there, I'm gonna look out back." He cracked the side door, it was clear. Carter came back announcing three in the front. "Get in the truck and be ready. I'm going to lift the doors. Don't try to run over any zombies with that trailer on there" Billy said. Carter started the truck and Billy lifted the door. Carter drove out and Billy closed the door back down for next time. He jumped in next to Carter. "Drive slow and easy. If anything gets in the way go around it." Going around the front Billy shot out his window at the zombies coming toward the truck.

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