Part Two

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Jonathan made his way back from school listening to his music with his black shoulder bag slug over carelessly. He had another boring day at school where all his classmates talked about some nonsense they watched on TV. He really didn't get them but of course Jonathan had to worry about what he'll do after he turned eighteen and where he would get the money and a place to live that would allow him that also rents cheaply. His part-time job didn't give him much but it was something. He put his key in the lock and turned it.

Entering the house he made himself a quick sandwich and trodden up the stairs to his room where he met the sight of a person in a purple skirt swiveling and humming to a tune he didn't recognize. Clearing his throat Jonathan got the attention of the dancing skirt-hat wearing person. Oh. It was a guy... wearing a skirt?

"Oh, hi, you must be my roommate. I'm Sock." The purple skirt wearing kid with the greenest eyes Jonathan's ever seen was looking at him with a great big goofy smile.

"I'm Jonathan," he introduced himself taking a bite out of his sandwich. The kid couldn't be older than fourteen grinned huge like Jonathan gave him the answers to the secret of life or something. He seemed too happy to be in the system. Probably a newbie. But that'll wear off soon enough. It always did.

"Jonathan, Jonathan," he sang in his little tune. "Did anyone tell you, you have a nice name? Whole lot better than mine."

Jonathan sat on his bed watching this eccentric kid talk. "Well a name like Sock is bound to attract bullies."

"Huh?" the hat wearing kid stopped mid-twirl, "Oh, that's not my real name but I like it whole lot better than my real name."

"It's not? What's your real name then?" Jonathan didn't know why he asked. It wasn't like he cared but he was bored enough to talk to him. It's probably was his first time in the system and as a veteran he felt the kid could use a hand. Its not easy coming into the system, he should know.

"Promise you won't laugh?" Sock pouted suddenly looking like he was ten years old.

"Sure, sure," Jonathan answered. He suddenly thought he was no older then twelve though Sock was tall for his age.

"Napoleon," Sock muttered. Jonathan couldn't help himself, a chuckle escaped past his lips. He used his hand to cover the rest but it was too late. He hurt Napoleon's feelings. "See I told you, you would laugh."

"No, no. I'm sorry. I swear I didn't mean for it to happen."

Napoleon sighed collapsing on the floor in front of his roommate. "I know it's a horrible name. That's why I go by Sock. Do you go by anything?"

Jonathan shrugged because in reality he didn't. He was always just Jonathan. So he asked his new roommate a question. "How old are you anyway?"

"Seventeen," Sock said proudly.

Jonathan did not expect that. He didn't even look over fourteen. But that was just it, appearances can be deceiving. "So what grade are you in?"

"Eleventh. What about you?"

"The same," Jonathan replied. By now he already finished his sandwich. Removing his backpack he set up to do his homework. He needed to graduate by the latest his first semester of senior year. The quicker the better so he could leave the system with a diploma. Most places wanted you to finish high school so that's what Jonathan was doing.

Sock stared over his shoulder at Jonathan's work. "Do you mind?"

"Oh, I was going to say if you needed help in that I can help. My class just covered that." He pointed to Jonathan's chemistry homework. As much as Jonathan didn't want to admit it he was struggling in this class. And against his will, asked for help for the first time in years.

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