Kings to the Rescue

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Sonic’s POV

My sword flew from my hands and his stone like shoe connected with my stomach sending me flying back with no air. Even though I struggled to catch my breath and the force of the blow made my stomach involuntarily spew my fluids in my mouth, I chucked it back down with as much disgusts as I had for that black hedgehog, I wouldn’t let him get any satisfaction of thinking he’s knocked me down in the least bit. Quickly forcing myself to stay steady on my feet I leapt back for my weapon grabbing it back in time to block his thick blade inches away from my face. I might have caught him off guard but that wasn’t any advantage at all. That just isn’t natural; of course nothing in this hell hole is. Alien mutations mixing in with our native species. They’re nothing but radioactive mutations, a science project gone wrong, witch craft nothing but the devils spawns!!  They’re whole purpose is to corrupt and infect everyone and anything they can. Poor Amy… witnessing first hand to this abominations.

I saw an opening, I’m going for it! A swift kick to his Achilles and he’d be down at least long enough for me to gain the upper hand! Only when I went in for the strike his elbow cracked me right in the nose, and in a blur of color had his shoe connecting to the back of my head. How was he doing this!? It was like I was moving like a snail… or as time was slowing down. He wasn’t even using his sword very much to attack. My ears twitched to the sound of the air being whipped at. His blade missed me by a quill. I jumped up and grabbed it; somewhat heavier than any sword I’ve ever dealt with… Ha, now I have his weapon too! Wait a minute, what’s this?? Light coming from his hands, like shards of lighting or heated tips of glass… he can through them!? But where are they coming from!? See told you, nothing here is natural.

“How dare you think you have the right to march into MY kingdom, slaughter my people and rape my babes, and have the audacity to call ME a ruthless barbarian?!” he growled after throwing his searing projectile spears.

“Your kingdom? The last I heard you wasn’t king, because you’re too scared to take order, if you can’t be king solo what makes you think you can handle a queen by your side? None the less, a queen fitted to be by MY side.”

“Don’t be such a child; I know you don’t want her as queen. Princess Acorn is the one you want. Why fight over something you don’t truly want?”

“Because it’s mine-“

“Selfish cad!” He hissed cutting me off, “like the scrooge not letting a penny slip out of sight, and yet so foolish to lose it all in a gambling game.” He had suddenly disappeared with a flash of light. I spun around meeting his fist at my jaw. I had enough of this! I through down those useless swords and was able to grab him at the wrist, I had a better chance at fighting hand to hand with him than a weapon.

“There they are!” I heard Tails’ voice from below, I didn’t bother to see who or what he was talking about, Shadow and I now both had each other by the throats there was no way I’m losing concentration now.

“Up there sire!” A woman’s voice echoes after Tails’.

“Finally!” I heard Knuckles. The grip of Shadow’s hand tightened and my body seemed to have become light as a feather and I felt as if I had just jumped down off the high balcony we fought from. Only I had done the exact opposite, whatever Shadow’s unholy powers were, he had teleported us even higher for whatever the reason… to through me off in hopes I drop to my death below…? Well not before I turn the tables on him!

After only two minutes however we were torn from each other’s reaching distance and held at bay. I got a glimpse at who pulled him off of me, the ‘king’ of the South a co-creator of the prince. The floating monster with three eyes and wrinkled old leathery black skin streaked with the same red stripes held Shadow, so close to each other you could see the resemblance. The same fires of hell burned in their red eyes as they glared at me. I knew it was my father after he spoke breaking the now silence that fell upon everyone.

“I sincerely… apologize for my son’s behavior.” He said as if being forced to eat his least favorite food. Disgust and anger hinted his tone; I knew I’d be in a world of trouble when I got back to the castle. I bet those demons were oozing with satisfaction that the King of the North had giving his apologies to them… It was all my fault, the least I could have done was made sure that good for nothing worthless Shadow was dead; then it would have been worth everything.

Shadow still squirmed in his half father’s grip he wanted so bad to come after me, why didn’t he just teleport out of there and come and get me? He was too afraid that’s why, if he really wanted to get me he would do it. Ha, at least I proved he isn’t the  fearless Prince he thought he was.

“I doubt your sincerity, but commend you for the mature gesture… I need not apologize for my son defending himself and his kingdom against yours, but give you a ten minute forgiveness and in that time I expect all of your people to be gone from here.” The Alien king’s hideous rasping voice answered my father.

The tension in the air was tight and thick with crossed lines and I knew my father was biting his tongue to the point of bleeding. He nodded his grip becoming stronger around me wanting to strangle the life out of me for putting him in a situation like this. I didn’t care at that moment, Shadow and I now locked in an intense stare off battle like a silent brutal war with no contact. I wasn’t leaving until I was dragged away; and that’s exactly what my father did. My heels scrapped the ground as he pulled me away not speaking a word yet but rounded up our army and as told was out of the South kingdom before ten minutes had passed.

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