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The more Emily thought about what happened the more stupid she felt.

  She had been cheating on Beau before they were even together.

It's crazy, no matter how distant she got. Jack kept coming back.

So as they sat at the bonfire, listening to the scary yet funny stories her family tried to tell. It was a storm in her mind, thinking if she should tell Beau. Thinking if she should not. The feelings she felt for Jack could not just be pushed away. But her care for Beau gave her hope. Enough hope and confidence to potentially move on.

"Hey baby" Beau smiled as he came back from the restroom. "Hey" Emily smiled. "Do you - do you wanna go someplace quiet?" Beau asked nervously, scratching the back of his neck.

"Sure" Em was glad he asked, she couldn't sit in front of Jack after what just happened. Finally, an excuse or maybe even a chance to get away from having to sit around Jack.

Beau and Emily walked out into the woods, passing the boats and walking out onto the docks. 

They both sat at the edge, their feet swinging. Beau holding his tongue, nervousness bottling up inside him. He was never sure of what he was saying to Emily or how she'd react. But her laid back personality made it so easy for him to talk to her. For him to really just release his feelings.

"Emily" he turned to Emily smiling, the moonlight gleaming and reflecting off the beautiful lake water. "Yes?" She responded, turning her head. And like he always does, he wiped every thought of Jack out of her mind.

Without another word he leaned in, softly pressing his lips to hers, mimicking eachother. There was no fear in her heart, no worry or hesitation. The want of moving on mixed with her actual raw emotions made this kiss more than welcomed.

  Beau pulled away and set his forehead on hers, "Just be mine already" he chuckled breathless.

Emily whispered back, "I'm yours"


After abandoning the corny campfire stories, Beau and Emily came back after talking about everything.

    Just about anything they could think of, life, what they really want to do, biggest fear, biggest fantasy, it was easy to be themselves around eachother.

"Where have you two been?" Emily's uncle said in a stern voice. Cracking a smile seconds later as he watched Beau tense up.

"Just joking with ya' " He laughed, " Come on, I want you to meet some people." Emily's uncle took Beau away from her as she sat at the campfire.

From the corner of her eye, yet again her favorite person emerged from the woods.

  You could physically see her get disappointed.

"Hey" he said, sitting next to her.

"What do you want now, Jack?"

"I just said hey, I can't be nice?" He scoffed.

"Ugh, but you never are so there must be something you want"

"You're right, there is. Can I talk to you in private for a second?"

"Just one second" she gave him a smug look before standing.


They had walked out for about five minutes now before anything was said.

   "Well what is it?" Emily sighed.

Jack stared at her for a while. Just smiling.

  "Nothing, I just wanted to get you alone so I can kidnap you" he chuckled. Emily rolled her eyes and he started to actually get to the point.

"Well I wanted to make you a deal" Jack said, walking closer to Emily, tucking his hands deep into his pockets.

    "Y'know, I almost thought you were bringing me out here for something actually important" Emily scoffed.

  "Beau for me. Madison for you" Jack said.

Emily furrowed her eyebrows.

"Wait what?" She paused, "Wait! It makes since now are you gay?" Emily exclaimed.

  Jack rolled his eyes, "No silly. I'm saying drop Beau for me. And he can be with Madison. You interest me more" he smirked.

"You're still an asshole Jack, you really are. Like do you ever have anything genuine to say?" Emily was furious

"You walk around here like you're top shit. So what you live in Hollywood but when you come back here you are still regular ole' Jack Gilinsky. You think I'd just leave my relationship to be with you? Are you fucking serious? Try again"

   Emily walked back unbothered by Jack for the rest of the night.

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