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harry's pov.

after a few more periods of my teachers blabbering about things i didn't care about, the last period bell finally ringed. i couldn't think about anything else except the girl from algebra.

i went to my locker before heading outside to my car. i was looking for where i parked it before someone bumped in to me. i looked down and it was her.

"s-sorry." she said.

"it's okay." i said to her. she looked as if she was in a rush. a look of confusion flashed in her eyes as she knitted her eyebrows.

"you talked to me." she said.

what? people don't talk to her? was everyone at damour east high an asshole?  do they realize how pretty she is?

"what?" i said to her, displaying a confused look on my face.

she pulled her hoodie over her head more. "people don't talk to me." she said.

"why?" , she laughed. why was she laughing?

"everyone thinks i'm weird" she said as she bit her lip. she was cute. boy, she was cute.

i couldn't fight the smile on my face , " you and me both. " i said.

she gave me a small smile ,

" i gotta go, i'll see you around? "

" yeah, you will. "

she started walking away.

" wait.. i didn't get your name " i said to her, holding on her arm.

" i'm skylar. " she said, tucking some if her hair behind her ear.

" cute name, i'm harry " i said.

" i know, goodbye harry." skylar said and with that she was off, hurrying to her car.

i was left with a stupid smile on my face. i didn't know what was cuter, her cockiness or how her lips moved when she said my name.

i hurried off to my car, excited to get home, knowing she was my neighbor.

boy, that skylar was something.


third chapter
hope you guys
enjoyed this.
they finally met
what will happen
next? h+s = ❤️


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