Kidnapping Is Not Nice, Mr. Alpha

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"Ai mic fiu de cățea! Nu-mi spune ce să facă și când să o facă! Crezi că ești un zeu grec atotputernic și puternic sau orice altceva, dar nu a putut da doi bani pentru a avea grijă de tine! Și ... Și ... esti doar un nemernic obraznic! Când te-ai gândit vreodată că era ok să-l răpească pe cineva?!?!? Nu este! Deci, nu. Eu nu am de gând să nu mai încercați să ies de aici pentru că eu nu aparțin aici. Așa că lasă

(You little son of a bitch! Don't tell me what to do and when to do it! You think you are some almighty and powerful greek god or whatever, but you couldn't give two shits to take care of yourself! And... And... you're just a cocky asshole! When did you EVER think it was ok to kidnap someone?!?!? It isn't!!! So, no. I'm not going to stop trying to get out of here because I don't belong here. So just leave me alone!) I yell. "Damn... That was hot." he says. "Doamne, ai mila." I mutter. Lord have the mercy.

Astrid had a pretty normal life, that is until, a certain someone came and kidnapped her, literally. Now the bold, red-headed, blue-eyed, Romanian speaking, stubborn, beauty doesn't know what to do! She's torn between love and her hospitalized dad. Or maybe she can have both...

Copywrited by me!

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