Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Over the next week, Austin was still being nice to me. The only thing was, it was reeeeaally awkward since he tried to make a move. Ugh, I know he changed, but he couldn't expect me to like him very much. Especially like that. And I felt bad, I really did. But he tripped me. He locked me in a closet. He had done so much to me. It would never work. He did seem to be pretty sad about it, but I'm pretty sure that was the first time he's experienced rejection. He would be okay. I bet a girl would fling herself at him any minute. 

Wednesday night, Austin, Alex, and I were sitting in the cafeteria eating lunch. I hadn't told Alex about what had happened, but I could tell that he was picking up on the awkwardness. 

"Hey, uh, guys." Alex said nervously. "There's something I wanted to tell you." 

I looked at him curiously, and he was just about to speak when a girl came up to where we were sitting and plopped down next to Alex. 

"Guys, this is Hailey." He said, taking her hand. 



So they were together. No big deal. It's happened before, and his relationships never lasted. But still, deep down I was crushed. I faked a smile and congratulated the two. 

After dinner, I walked back up to my room in a depressed mood. I changed, then sat on my bed, allowing the first tear to fall. My phone buzzed once. It was a text from Alex.

No hard feelings, right? 

I rolled my eyes and ignored it. That's just perfect. And I had just told Austin last week that I was still hoping somehow Alex and I would happen. This is probably just what he wanted. 

There was a knock on my door, and I answered it. "Hi Austin." I said, not even bothering to try and look cheerful. 

"Hey," he said as I invited him inside. He took a seat on my couch. "I'm really sorry." 

"Sorry about what?" I asked. 

"I think you know." 

I wiped a tear away. "He never even talked about it to me." I said. Austin stood up and hugged me. 

"I know. It sucks." 

I couldn't help feeling awful because this was probably exactly how he felt last week. I pulled away, wiping another tear. "Thanks for being so nice to me."

"It's no problem." Austin replied. "So you had no idea that this was going on?" 

I shook my head. "No, I had absolutely no idea. He's never even mentioned her. And then he just sent me this." I said, holding up my phone to show him the text Alex sent me. "It's like he's trying to rub it in." 

"He doesn't seem like the type to go for a dumb bimbo." 


"Oh yeah," Austin said. "I know Hailey. We dated awhile ago. Only for like 4 days though. She's really stupid. Trust me. It won't last." 

Austin patted me on the back and sat with me for awhile as I let my tears flow. He didn't say much, but I couldn't blame him. I had rejected him only last week. I kept trying to remember his words. 'It won't last.'

But it did. 

Over the next month, Alex and Hailey grew closer. And us... Well, we grew apart. He was sitting with her for meals, and the only time I ever saw Alex was at work. And he was just... different. 

I went into the kitchen to place an order for my table when I saw him taking off his apron. "You off?" I asked. 

He nodded. "Yep, finally done."

"Okay, well I'll see you tomorrow." 


"I'll see you tomorrow." I repeated. 

"Didn't I tell you?" Alex asked. "This is my last night."

"Last night?"

"Yeah, I quit. I thought I told you."

"No, you didn't." Alex was quitting? Why? Ugh, just another way we'll grow apart even more. "Why?"

"Hailey got me a new job. It pays a lot better than here. Girlfriends are expensive." 

"Oh. Well I'll see you later then."

"Yeah, bye." 

I continued with my shift, and by the end of the night, I was beat. Austin and I clocked out together, and Jamie approached us. 

"Good news Austin, you've paid off your debt. Tonight's your last night too." She said, smiling at him. 

Austin smiled. "Cool." 

Then Jamie turned to me. "Can I talk to you for a moment, Ella?" She asked. Uh oh. Was I in trouble? I nodded, and Austin told me he'd wait for me outside. 

"So as you know, we're short two people now." Jamie said. "I was wondering, could you do me a favor and pick up these extra shifts? Just until we can find more people." 

I suddenly felt relieved. So I wasn't in trouble. "Yeah, sure. Absolutely." 

"Thank you so much," Jamie said. "You're the best." 


Oh no! How do you think everything's going to go down with Ella and Alex?

Thanks for reading!

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