Chapter 2

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~~Chapter 2~~

I quickly checked my pockets for my phone, but I realized I left it on my dresser by my bed.

Why? Why did I have to be the one stuck in here? There are plenty of other people in this school for Austin to pick on, so why me?

Tears rolled down my eyes, and I wiped them away. It's been like this ever since I started high school over two years ago.

I sighed, then stood up and banged on the door with my fist again. No one would come up here until after school, but at least I was trying. Again, there was no answer, so I sat back down on the ground and cried. I cried and cried, but eventually, I became tired, and I fell asleep.

My eyes opened to the sound of the click of a lock and a door opening. The door swung open, and the lights were turned on. I flinched at the sight of a large male's body: Austin.

I cried out, but it was muffled since I was burying my head in my knees. I felt an arm on me, and I was pulled to my feet.

"Austin, please stop." I said quietly with my head down. He was silent for a moment.

"Out." He said seriously, pointing to the door. I nodded, then walked out into the hallway. I waited as I heard him close the door behind him.

"So now you know what happens when you mess with me." He said sternly. I glanced at his shirt. He had already changed into a new one.

"I'm sorry." I told him honestly. "I should have known better."

Austin didn't say anything, he just crossed his arms.

"Go change and go downstairs and eat." He said finally.

"What?" I asked, confused.

He rolled his eyes. "It's 8:30, stupid. You're still wet and probably hungry."

Oh. I nodded, then quickly walked away. I slept for that long in a dirty closet?

I reached my room, then opened my door with my key. I went straight to the dresser to grab my phone, just in case something happened again. I threw on a different pair of clothes, then hurried down the stairs towards the cafeteria. When I got to the entrance, Alex was waiting for me. His eyes widened at the sight of me.

"Are you okay? What happened?"He asked urgently. I shook my head.

"Austin locked me in a janitor's closet." I told him. Alex scowled.

"Figures. You must be starving. I've been waiting for you to eat but you never came. I was getting really worried about you." he said, stepping closer and stroking my arm. It began to tingle where he touched me, and I tried not to blush.

"You're blushing." Alex noted. He knew what his touch did to me. Although I've never told him, I'm sure he knew that I had the biggest crush on him. I slapped his hand away.

"That's because you know what it does to me, and you do it anyway!" I told him. He smirked.

"But it's so much fun!"

"Alex, let's just go eat." I told him. He nodded slightly, then grabbed my hand and pulled me along behind him as he led the way into the cafeteria. I blushed again, but I tried to ignore it. We went to the front to buy our food, then we sat back down at a table.

"I'm glad we didn't have to work tonight." Alex said. " You wouldn't have been able to go."

Alex was my coworker, and we both worked at a restaurant called Amanda's a few blocks away. That's how I met him.

"Yeah, that would've been bad." I agreed. For awhile we ate in silence, but that was only until we heard a noise in the back of the room.

Someone's footsteps.




Thanks for reading! :)

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