Secret Untold

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        I sit on the cold roof alone. I've been at the base for too long. I want to get out and drive through the Zones with the guys. The base wouldn't be unbearable if Mitch and Justin didn't torment me. For being 21, you would think we would be able to just leave each other alone. No, he has to come find me and personally make my life hell. I didn't think he would be this malicious after all this time. I met him when we were 18 and he has only gotten worse. I have never hated anyone this much before. I don't like hate. There's too much in the world and with the suppression of art and the death we face of the loved ones we lost, I try not to hate things but I hate Mitch. Justin is bad but he tends to leave everyone alone if Mitch isn't around to stick up with him. Mitch, however, can be a jackass all by himself. He just loves blaming me for everything that has gone wrong and uses it to torment me. But he even looks like me, which gives an eerie and unsettling feeling about him. I swear, he cuts his hair to match mine. It can't be a coincidence that he's always had it long and when I lost all my hair, he shaved his head and when it started growing back, so did his. But his hair is white and I do my best to keep mine red. Also, he has a white leather jacket. My Dead Pegasus is navy blue. Mitch also has a mask like mine, except he is blue with a red X going through the whole thing in the middle. We may look identical but there is enough to keep us apart. I'm apparently the only one that thinks this. No one else can get past the white hair but I know we look alike. Which is just another reason to hate him?
I watch the sun rise over the sky. Last time I got to see one from up here was probably Grace-Jeanette's birthday. That was back in the beginning of August. Now, it's the end of October. Frank's birthday tomorrow. Finally, he'll turn 21. Frank insisted I don't get him anything but that wouldn't be right. A Scavenger friend of mine found a Swiss army knife. I polished up and plan on giving it to him tomorrow. Being a technician, it will be a lot more efficient to tune up everything with a real tool instead of scrapes he finds.
It starts warming up outside. The fall air brings a welcoming chill. I sit up and climb back down to head into the diner. A guard sits at the counter and another one makes coffee. "When'd you go outside?" she asks.
"I don't really remember," I answer.
"You come out through the diner?" the guy asks.
The two exchange looks. "Damn, we didn't see you," the girl says.
"It's fine. It's late, don't feel bad about it. There's a difference. A killjoy slips under your radar. You would have noticed the Draculoids or Bounty Hunter approaching," I reassure them. "Don't worry. Just wanted the fresh air. I'm going back to sleep."
"Night, Party Poison," the girl calls back. I creep down the stairs to the base and then go downstairs to the bunks. Frank still sleeps up top. I perch on the bottom mattress and stare and Frank watching him sleep. He looks peaceful. I really just want to climb up and sleep next to him, like how we did when we were in the hospital. Those days were dreadful, for both of us, but there where it's perks. Of course, when Frank was hurt, I didn't know I loved him. I just knew he was important to me and I would lose it all if he died. But he didn't. He's still here and doing well. I gently kiss his forehead and then climb back down to my mattress. I lie still and start drifting off.

The bed frame shifts and I peak open my eyes. Frank climbs down and hops on the floor, looking at me. "Did I wake you?" he asks.
"Only a little but it's okay. I want to be up." Ray's over by his locker's getting ready and Mikey's still asleep. It doesn't matter though because there is a dozen other Killjoy in here bustling around. "Coffee?" I ask.
"You've grown addicted to that stuff," Frank laughs. "Sure, why now?" I go to the laundry room they set up and grab my load of clothes. I put on a new outfit and put the remaining folded clothes in my locker. I decide to leave my jacket and mask in there. I doubt we are leaving today for a new mission. Mikey's in the middle of coaching his trainees how to fight. They've missed him on our last mission. Also, Luke was sent off on his first mission after losing his hearing and Melanie hit her head. Helena is holding them together and making sure they stay okay. They're on a month long trial mission so we're waiting for them to come back to base. They'll be back sometime today or tomorrow. And Mikey is catching up with Addison still. He forgot how much he loved her. I don't want to take him away from her now. I haven't seen him smile this much.
I try shutting my locker but it doesn't close. I adjust the folded clothes and make sure my jacket isn't in the way. I try to close it again but it won't. My holster and blaster aren't blocking it. "What the?" I mutter.
"You good, Gee?" Frank asks.
"My locker won't close. Nothing's blocking it, though."
"Huh, ask Bonnie?" he suggests.
I slam my shoulder against it and it finally clicks closed. "No need," I say, "it closed."
"Let's hope that it's not jammed now so if there's an attack on the base, you have access to your stuff," he says while we head upstairs.
"How about we just hope there isn't an attack on the base?" I laugh.
"Hmm, good idea."
Grace-Jeanette sits at a booth by herself. "Frank, get me a coffee?" I ask.
"Sure thing," he says walking over to the counter.
I slide next to Grace-Jeanette at the booth. "What are you up to?" I ask her. She gives an expressionless shrug. "Are you okay?" I ask her. She just sits still. "What's wrong?" I ask her.
"I just don't feel good. I'm really hungry but I feel like I'm going to throw up," she says.
"You're sick?" I ask her. I place a hand on her forehead. She's a little warm.
"I have a headache." She lies on my arm. Frank slides into the booth across from me and passes me my coffee. "Hi, Fun Ghoul," she moans.
"You okay, sweetie?" he asks.
"I think she's sick," I say worried. Typically, if a Killjoy gets sick, it's not good. It could be nothing but I don't want to risk it. I finish my coffee fast then carry her out of the booth. She wraps her arms around my neck as we walk downstairs and to the hospital wing. Frank follows behind me. "Who's your doctor?" I ask.
"McDougall?" she says not so sure. Makes sense. That was her mother's doctor.
We step into the hospital. Dr. Gunn walks past us. Being her best friend, I assume she would know where McDougall was at. I snag her arm. "Where's Dr. McDougall?" I ask.
"Um, I believe she's in the back at the pharmacy. I can get her for you." Gunn walks towards the back. I put Grace down on the table near us.
McDougall comes over. "Hey, Grace. What's going on?" she asks.
"I don't feel good," she tells her.
"Awe, I'll help you. Come on," she says taking her hand. "I'll be back in about ten minutes," she calls to us.
Frank and I step out of the hospital and into the corridor. "Relax, Gee. She hasn't been injured or exposed to anything. She's been at the base this whole time. She's going to be okay," Frank reassures me.
"Yeah, I know," I mumble, leaning back on the wall.
"I don't think you believe you me," Frank says.
I give a smile. "No, I believe you." I glance around. The hospital is busy but the corridor, not so much. I hold Frank's hands. Frank smiles and leans forward, standing on his tiptoes. I lean down over him when he stiffens up. I raise an eyebrow.
Frank pulls away from me, letting go of my hands. "Uh, you know? Uh, you got something in your eye," he says really fast. He wipes my cheek with his finger. I look over and see Ray staring at us wide eyed. His mouth is open like he's trying to say something but he doesn't know what.
I rub my eye. "I need to wash it out, I think. Hey, Ray? What brings you here?" I ask.
"I was going to see Caleb, Helena's brother. What are you to...doing?" he asks slowly.
"Oh, um, Grace wasn't feeling good so we took her here. Um, you said Caleb was Here? He okay?" I ask really desperate to change the subject.
"He's fine. He works here, training to be a doctor" Ray pauses like there's something else. Yeah, there's definitely something else going on but I don't think he wants to believe it. "Were you-" he stops.
"Yeah. I need to wash out my eye. Tell me if Grace is okay?" I say cupping my face and quickly leaving to the bathroom. I step in there and lean against the wall to breathe for a minute. I splash water on my face for good measure and slowly step out. That just happened but it's over now. Okay. I head back to the hospital but Frank has Grace-Jeanette with him as they leave. "Hey, she okay?" I ask.
"Yeah, she'll be okay. McDougall gave her something. Wanna take her outside for some air?" Frank asks.
"Yeah. Come on," I say taking her hand. Franks smiles at me and shuffles to the technician's lab. She comes with me and we go upstairs to the diner then outside. It's early morning so the temperature isn't bad and there's a nice breeze rushing through the air.

Let Art Be Our Weapon: Frerard/Killjoys EpicWhere stories live. Discover now