Our Lady Of Sorrows

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          I feel myself slip away. Dying is not peaceful, at least not like this. I go numb and I can't feel anything but at the same time, there's just so much pain. I'm sorry I broke my promise, Mikey. I'm sorry for this being how it ends, Frank. I'm sorry I couldn't stop BL/ind, Alec. I'm sorry I couldn't save anyone. The darkness scares me. I haven't been afraid of the dark since I was a young boy before I went to the Killjoy Base. As a kid, I wasn't afraid of the dark, but what happens in it. Now, I am afraid of what will become of me.
The darkness starts fading away and a blindly white light takes away the black. I see silhouettes. Korse and someone else gets into a brawl. The person stands with their back facing me. They push Korse's arm away from themselves and me. Korse uses his other hand to grab the blaster and I catch of glimpse of the other guy's face. Cherri Cola. He has a scarf over his mouth but I know he is shocked. Bullet wounds scatter across his body. His legs, arms, and chest. He ran out of cover and got shot just to try to save me. He knocked me out of Korse's grip a second before Korse pulled the trigger. I got shot still but if he hadn't, I wouldn't have been alive enough to feel the ground when my body fell.
Korse pushes the blaster against Woody's gut and doesn't hesitate to fire this time. The blast hits him and because he's so close, it goes through his body. Blood shoots out, splattering all over me. As Woody falls backward, he grabs the blaster from Korse. He starts shooting but Korse ducks out of the way. I see Helmet load the last rocket. To get better aim, he runs out of cover to fire. As the last rocket flies out of the launcher, he gets hit. The force is so great that when he whips back, his helmet flies off his head. His blond bangs cover his face. Galaxy screams out for him. Both he and Woody have risked given up their lives to give us a window just long enough for us to escape.
Frank places a charger on a remaining piece of the computer system. Galaxy checks Helmet but the devastated look on his face shows that he's dead. Galaxy drags Wanda with and they start making their get away.
They come over towards us. "Get-him-out," I struggle to say. I can't stop the bleeding at my neck. I'm a dead man. Galaxy helps Woody to his feet. Woody puts and arm around his shoulder and uses him a crutch. Woody takes hold of Wanda. She's weightless and drags across the floor behind them. Frank falls to his knees to try and get me up. I wince in pain. "No- Fun Ghoul... Please, don't. Leave me and run."
He grabs hold of my shoulders. "No! I am not leaving you. I can't. If you die in here, I will too."
"Don't-throw your life...away-just-because..."
"No, if you die, it won't matter if my heart is beating or not. I will die inside. I can't lose you, Party. You're too important to me," he says. Frank doesn't ever get that upset, let alone cry but tears steadily stream down his cheeks. I'm the only friend that makes him cry. He takes the bandana off of his mouth and wraps it around my neck.
The little window we had for escaping is over. They start shooting at us. "Put this back on. Protect yourself. Please, go. Just get up and GO!" I croak.
Frank looks down at me. He knows there's no time and he can't get me out of here. He knows that he can't save me and it hurts him.
Woody falls back and drops Wanda. "I hope you're ready for a firefight because of the devils out number us tonight. You got 2 minutes!" he shouts into the radio. He unclips it and places it in Wanda's hands. Galaxy lifts her up. Woody drags himself closer to us. "Save yourself, I'll hold them back tonight."
Galaxy tries to stop him. "No more death, we can all escape. This ain't a room full of suicide."
Woody starts firing in the direction of the Dracs and Bounty Hunters. "I have to or we're never leaving this place alive. Are y'all ready where you are at?" he asks. Frank manages to get me up. I'm at least a whole three inches taller than Frank but he manages. He is that desperate to save me. I hear him struggle and grit his teeth. "Can you save yourself tonight?" Woody asks.
I hear Korse's voice echo. "We're coming for you!"
"Can you save yourself, right now?" Woody shouts. "'Cause I'll hold them back!"
Frank tries to convince Woody to come with. "Please, don't do this, brother!" he shouts.
Woody crawls away. Before Frank can chase after him, Woody shoots the ceiling and rumble crash between us and him. Frank tries to break through but he can't. He realizes that it's either me or Woody. He realizes he had to choose between the two of us. After all these years, we were both equally his best friends. Years ago when I was a punk, I was jealous of Woody but once I got over myself, he was my friend. We were both Frank's best friends. Now Frank has just picked me over Woody, whether he likes it or not. Both of us couldn't live and we both knew that. Frank picked me to save and Woody was able to sacrifice himself again. He saved me and now everyone else.
As we make our way out of the facility, the Dracs and Bounty Hunters realize by now all exits are blocked. As we are feet away from the door, the white suits start charging towards us, although from all the smoke, they are more like splotchy gray. Galaxy screams on the radio. "WE'RE COMING OUT!" and then he kicks open the door. Ray helps him and he carries Wanda away. One of his team member helps Galaxy out. Two others help me and Frank. They line us up against the wall of the facility.
Ray looks at the four of us. "Six of you went in. Where-?"
Galaxy cuts him off. "Woody Iero and Bob Bryar sacrificed themselves."
The lot of us wait. After a few seconds, the white suits start shooting at us. The others have set up a little barricade around here. They wedged the door so it can't be opened all the way and serves also as a shield. They moved the cars so other Killjoys can hide behind it and fire. There are boulders that act as a shield too.
The Dracs and Hunters fight to get out but it only opened wide enough for one at a time. The other Killjoys are in position and they all fire at them. The bodies start falling out of the exit and piling up. Soon the white suits start tripping over them and fall getting shot. Then there is a huge explosion coming from the base. The smoke shoots out of the door and acts as a smoke screen.
A few Killjoys help the four of us that made it out to one of the vans. The other quickly toss aside the bodies while one still shoots. They manage to shut the door. A technician starts welding the hinges shut and then the cracks of the door. They're trapped. The charge Frank placed will kill the last of them.
We all get in the cars and vans and start driving away. A field medic starts working on us, starting with me, trying to stop the blood flow. They apply pressure for a long time and their assistant takes over so the medic can attend the others. He wraps Frank's hands and then patches up Galaxy. There's nothing we can do for Wanda but wait for the drug to wear off.
My head is pounding and I feel woozy. Could I survive after losing this much blood? I lost gallons of the stuff. I only lived because Woody saved my life. He tackled Korse. Woody died. He's gone. I have trouble breathing as I wrap my head around his loss. He died for me. I was really that important for him. He died for all of us. I wish there is a way I can repay. The way Bonnie had repaid Frank Sr. even after his death. I hope to find a way to thank him.

Let Art Be Our Weapon: Frerard/Killjoys EpicWhere stories live. Discover now