The Kids From Yesterday

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          I hug Frank tightly."I can't believe you're finally awake," he says, pulling away. "Gee, you gave me a heart attack just now," he giggles. "But I don't really care. You know, Luke is a great drive and all but I prefer you."
"How have the missions gone?" I ask.
"Well, they aren't long ones. We go out for two to three days then come back. It's all just patrol and occasional raid. Kind of boring. We were short two members so Luke and Melanie worked with us. They had a team of three but they lost Bob in the facility."
"He treating Kemia good?" I chuckle.
"He used to have a van so the speed is definitely a new thing for him. He went about 80 mph tops once but that was in a chase," he says. "I miss you driving. Well, more like I missed you."
"I'm glad I'm awake now," I say. "Frank, what's going to happen to happen to those two when I return?" I ask.
"Well, they need a team to be a part of. And we also need another member."
Woody is gone. We're one killjoy short. The others have been a team of three for some while, I don't think we have to get a fourth member. I don't want to replace Woody. It seems wrong and if we're going to do that, Frank should be the one to decide. "How are you on that?" I ask.
He looks down. "It still hurts. I'm going to be frank with you," he giggles, looking up at me with a little smirk. I sigh as he finds room for his puns. "Um, it's been hell these last seven months without him. And these last six without you. Not a day goes by where I don't feel sad over his death. Not a night goes by where my mind doesn't replay what happened in that facility. But when you were getting sick, it distracted me from his death. Time passed by and it naturally started to heal me slowly. When we came back, we were racing against the clock with mere seconds as your heart slowed down. I thought we were late because while the medicine was working its way through your system, your heart actually stopped for 3 minutes. I've had a messed up life and been through hell and back more than once but that was the worst 3 minutes I've ever been through. I was so numb and hollow, thinking you were gone. Mikey and Ray were so broken. I swear, I that was the worst feeling I ever had, hearing you flat line. Bonnie and Connors were working with it, and they brought you back." That's a little terrifying. I died at some point during all this. "After the medicine got through, you were healing but still not waking up. The doctor realized you were going into a coma and Bonnie switched the machines. You weren't as bad as I was, but still. With you gone for so long, Woody's death hit me again and I relapsed in that depression. I was quite miserable without you and so were the others. Two days ago, when you came out of your coma, things changed. You were just asleep. I stayed with you for as long as I could, but an hour ago, the base was under attack. I had to leave you."
"You don't need to worry about these things. What matters is that you, the others, and I are all well and alive. For now, we don't need to worry about anyone, we can do our best to keep fighting."
Frank give a half smile. "Connors said that you should be cleared in a week. Alec talked to us and we go on our next mission after you're cleared and it's your call. Also, Ray and I talked about how we are short a Killjoy," Frank says he trails off. He takes a deep breath and exhales. "How would you feel with Mikey on our team?" he asks.

          "Mikey on the team? I never thought of that," I say, a smile creeps on my face. "Did you talk about it with him?" I ask.
"Eh, no. Not yet. Ray and I were just thinking. Didn't know if you would want that," he says.
"No, that would be great. Let's go ask him." We leave the room together and head over to the hospital to find Mikey.
Mikey walks out with a bandage on his head. "Hey, guys," he says. "You both okay?"
"Yeah, we're good," Frank replies. "Mikey, would you be interested in filling the slot on our team?"
Mikey's small smile drops on his face. "Wait, are you asking me to join you guys?" he asks.
"Yeah, that something that you want to do?" I ask.
His eyes widen with glee. He leaps forward and wraps his arms around both Frank and I. We all laugh. "That would be the greatest thing! I would be honored," he says gleaming. He pulls away. "Not that I don't like being a guard. It's kind of a boring job when you guys are on your missions. It was different when Addison and Cole were here."
"I know, and I'll tell you that I never wanted to leave you here," I tell him. He nods. "Mikey, have you heard from your friends since they left?"
He pulls away and scratches his head. "Well, they're scouts. They're out in the zones and if there's more than they can handle, they call it in. They don't just come back. If they do, it's because they've been hurt," he says. "I don't think I'll hear from them."
I make a stop at my locker and grab a pair of skinny jeans and a hoodie. I'm sick of this hospital attire. The three of us head up to the diner. Ray and Melanie help set everything back up and we find Luke removing the white suits from the diner. "Hey, Ray," Frank calls out. "Mikey accepted."
"That's fantastic!" he says. He hugs Mikey, closing his eyes. When he opens them, he sees me and stiffens. "Gerard!" he cries out. He lets go of Mikey and walks over to me, wrapping his arms around my shoulder. "Gerard, you're-"
"Alive in the flesh," I chuckle. After catching up with everything, it seems that I didn't miss that much. The others haven't really encountered much besides a few Dracs here and there. The base has only been under attack once, and that was just now. Not many casualties. Things have gone slow, which is good I guess if it means no death.

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