Chapter eighteen

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This is turning out to be more of a niam fic than a Larry one but, it'll get better okay?


SONG CHAPTER: Crime And Punishment

Liam's P.O.V

I was trying so hard not to fuck Niall. He was just so cute and he wanted it as much as I did, I needed to wait for the right time though. I stroked his hair and

he looked up at me. "C-can I have some tea?" "Yeah. Yes, of course. I'll go make you some, keep watching the film, it's about to be a good part." I hopped up

and rushed into the kitchen, heating the kettle. I got out honey and some milk, not really knowing how he liked it since he's only ever had tea once here, and

I didn't out anything in it then. I took out some cups and poured the tea in, adding a bit of milk and honey. I carried it out carefully and handed Niall a cup,

letting him settle down into a comfortable spot until I sat. My phone huzzed and I picked it up. School: School tomorrow! I raised my eyebrows. "I need to call my

aunt. On second Niall." I paused the T.V and dialed her number. It rang awhile then she answered. "Hello, Liam." "What the hell?! School? Tommorow?!" I

asked. "Not my choice, the districts. But I agree with you. The roads aren't that icy though." She said. I sighed. "Yeah, I guess you're right. Oh, I need to

talk to you about something." I said, looking at Niall. "What is it?" She asked politely. "Um... Niall. H-he needs a math tutor." I said. "Of course. He'll get...." I

heard papers rustling, knowing she was looking through the teachers files. "Mr.Banks." My breath hitched. "B-but.... Him?" I asked. "Yes. Is there

something wrong?" "Um.... No, no. I just.... Nevermind." I said. "Okay, I'll tell him tommorow. Have a nice day." "You too." I said and hung up. "You get

Mr.Banks as your tutor. "Okay. He seems nice, he's my math teacher also." I nodded. "Yeah. Yeah, I know.... I-I just have this uneasy feeling about him....

Don't worry though, it's probably nothing. Let's finish the film now, yeah?" I said, distracting him from Mr.Banks. He turned his attention to the Telly and

sipped his tea. "Oh, this is good." "Is it? I was worried you wouldn't like it." I admitted. "Yes, it's perfect, I love you Liam." He said and pecked me on the lips.

When I didn't respond he looked at me with a worried expression. "Did I do something wrong?" "No, no, nothing. It's just.... You're so beautiful." He blushed

and I ran a hand over his cheeks. He looked up at me. "Really?" "Yeah. Yeah, you are." I kissed him on the lips and smiled. "Why don't we finish the movie

then go snuggle in bed, yeah?" Niall nodded and cuddled into my side, me wrapping my arm around him protectively. He's all mine... I thought and smiled,

kissing the top of his head.

Harry's P.O.V

Louis came downstairs, looking rather sad. "Louis, what's wrong?" I asked, putting a hand on his shoulder. He looked up at me, contemplating (IM USING

BIG WRODS!!! YAY, IM SMART!) me for awhile then sjphaking his head, looking down. "I-it's nothing just.... No, nothing." He said and pushed past me to

the kitchen. "Louis?" Perrie asked me. "Yeah. I call him his first name becasue we're- I mean, I live here and it'd be weird to call him Mr.Tomlinson...." I lied,

hopping she'd fall for it. She gave me an unbelieving look. "I have a feeling you're hiding something from me." "N-no.... I'm not." I lied again. She studied me

then sighed. "Whatever, I know when someone's hiding something, I just have to find it out." She glared at me then louos came in. "Found a film yet?" He

asked happily. "Um.... This one." I said, grabbing "The Notebook". Louis raised his eyebrows. "What? I thought it looked good..." I muttered. "No. It's fine."

He put it in then sat down next to me. Perrie finished her breakfest quickly then put her dishes up. "Bye guys. I'll be in "my room." She said and ran upstairs.

"School tomorrow." Louis said. "Mmm..." I hummed, looking upstairs, hearing the door slam, then wrapping my arm around Louis shoulders and planting a

kiss on his head. He looked up and smiled, putting his lips on mine. My tounge explored his mouth. He sucked on my lip. "Harry..." He moaned. "Maybe we

should take this upstairs, where there's a door and a lock." He said, pulling away. "Yeah, bum any better?" I asked. "No..." He said sheepishly. "Sorry. I'll

carry you again." I scooped him up in my arms and carried him to our room, setting him down gently on the bed. He smiled up at me. "Thanks for taking care

of me...." Louis said. "Yeah... Well you've been doing the same so..." I squeezed his hand, leaning down and kissing him. He slid his hand under my shirt. I

moaned into his mouth as his hands trailed lower. I cupped his face in one hand and balanced myself over him. I licked the bottom of his lip and he opened

his mouth, out tounge fighting for dominance. I let him win, tasting his tounge explore my mouth. I moved my lips to his neck and started sucking and

nibbling on it. He moaned underneath me, closing his eyes. "Harry...." I pulled back, licking my lips. He lifted his fingers, touching the love bite I gave him

and smiled. "Hope people don't notice it." "Oh... Didn't think of that..." I said and he laughed. "It's fine. I'll say I had my girlfriend over, yeah?" "Yeah." I

nodded. He yawned. "Tired? It's only 10 in the morning." I said. He smiled and rubbed his eyes. "Yeah, but I'm exhausted from yesterday still, I think I'm

gonna take a nap." He said. "I think I'll join you." I said, spgwtting up and locking the door and shutting the curtains so it was darker. I stripped down to my

underwear and helped Louis strip too. I got under the blankets next to him, wrapping an arm around him and bringing him to my chest. He took a deep

breath in and sighed. "Did you just sniff me?" I asked. "Yes. You smell for the record." He said and I smiled. "You do too." I pressed my lips to his head and

fell asleep with him.


Fluff but next chapter has some drama. Sorry if my grams sucked, my moms watching Bonnie and Clyde in the background so I'm picking stuff up from it.

Broken Wings {Larry/Niam} Book 1Where stories live. Discover now