Chapter ten

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SONG CHAPTER: Sweater Weather Neighborhood

Harry's P.O.V

I woke up close to midnight and snuck to mine and Niall's room. He was sitting on the bed with wide eyes, clutching the covers to his chest. He saw me and

squeaked with joy. "Harry!" "You said my name!" I exclaimed in happiness. "Yes!" He said and hugged me. I got under the covers by him, stroking some hair

out of his face. "I-I like Liam." He said. "Yeah. You've told me." I booped his nose. "Liam said he like me too and then we-" He stopped talking and looked

down, blushing slightly. "You what?" I asked, lifting up his head. "Kissed." My eyes widened. "Did you?" "Yeah..." Niall said. "Then he ran off." He looked up

at me with sad eyes. "Aw. Niall, I'm sorry he did that. I'll see if I can get in touch with him, or if Zayn can." I said. Niall nodded then snuggled into my chest.

"Night Ni." "Night Harry." He said and fell asleep.

Louis P.O.V

I woke and Harry wasn't in the bed. I guess he went back to sleep with Niall... I thought. I got up then fell to the floor. "Ow..." I whimpered and rubbed my

bum. I crawled to the bathroom and started the water. I pulled myslef into the warm water and sighed as it took away the dull throb and aching in my bum

and wings. I scrubbed away the small amount of dried blood on my cheeks and back. I dried off carefully, shaking my wings out. I wrapped the towel

loosely around my waist and stepped out of the foggy bathroom. Zayn was laying on the bed. "What are you doing here?!" I screeched, pulling my towel up.

"Just hanging out. Oh, I could hear you and Harry last night." My eyes widened. "W-what?" "I could hear you." Zayn said, pointing to his head. "B-but we...

What?" I asked. "You were having sex." He said. "Don't even try to deny it. I heard all of it." He pointed to his head. "Why do you keep pointing to your

head when you say hear? Your ears are hear." I said, tugging on them slightly. He laughed nervously. "Just seeing if you were paying attention.

Gottagobye!" I grabbed his shirt as he turned to leave. "Zayn. Tell me the truth." I said. "I-I am." He stuttered. "Oh please! I know when someone is lying.

It's what happens when you're raised with four sisters. Tell me now." I said. "How can you tell." "Your changing the subject!" I shouted. He looked down and

whimpered. "Tell me." I growled. He looked up at me with big eyes. Not big eyes like puppy dog face, but like a nervous cat. "You can't tell anyone." His eyes

were now pleading. "I won't. I haven't told anyone about Perrie, I won't tell anyone about you." "What happened to Perrie." Zayn perked up. "Wow. You're

responsive toward her name. Does Zayn have a little crush?" I teased. "No. Maybe....." He said. I smiled. "I'll tell you if you tell me first." He bit his lip. "I don't

want to tell you." "Zayn you-" I started. "But I can show you." I nodded and he sighed. He pulled his quiff down and I gasped. "Zayn are those-" "Yes.

They're real."


Haha! Flipping cliff hanger! How you like that biatches! No, I'm joking. Sorry, I'll update as soon as I can.

Broken Wings {Larry/Niam} Book 1Where stories live. Discover now