Chapter seventeen

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SONG CHAPTER: My Heart Is Broken Evenescence

Niall's P.O.V

I woke up snuggled up into Liam's chest. His arm was draped over me and he was twitching. He groaned and murmered something. "Niall.... N-no.... No!" He

shouted and started twitching again. "Liam?" I asked. "Niall.... No! Y-you can't!" He was covered in a shiny layer of sweat. "Niall!" He shouted and jerked

awake. He looked around the room then saw me and squeezed me into a hug. "I'm so glad you're okay." He breathed. "Why wouldn't I be?" I asked. "I-it's

nothing. I'll tell you later, yeah?" "Yeah." I said. "I just realized, you've gotten so much better with speaking." Liam said proudly. "Yeah well, it dosent hurt

much any more..." I said. "Mm..... So, know how many more days till we're back to school?" Liam asked. "Um.... Two or three." I said. Liam smiled. "Good. So, I

forgot to tell you this but, my aunt is the vice principle of the school so I get a key to all the doors." "Cool." I said. "Niall, what's 73x34?" I racked my brain.

"Paper?" I asked and he got a sheet and a pen. I did the bath slowly and handed him the paper. He looked at me and forced a smile. "Alright. Try this one."

He scribbled something down on the paper and handed me the pen again. 3x5. I looked up at him with sad eyes and wrote down an answer. "32..... No, sorry

Niall. I can sign you up tutoring, so you don't fail." He said. "Okay..." I said glumly. "Aw, Niall love, it's fine. Not everyone is a watch genius. Now, I'll try the

other subjects." He asked me questions and I answerd them quickly, knowing all the facts. "Science is a bit bad but I bet Louis will tutor you." I nodded. "So,

would you like breakfest?" Liam asked. "Yes please." He smiled and carried me downstairs. He quickly made eggs and handed me a plate. "Want to finish

Finding Nemo?" He asked. "Um...." "The fishes." Liam said. "Yes." He smiled and played it, not having to do anything because it was the last thing on last

night. I finished my eggs quickly and layed my head in Liam's lap, his fingers playing with my hair. "When can we do sex?" I asked. "Um.... After the storm. We

want to make sure it works before we rush into anything." I sighed. "Okay." I felt his lap get hard and looked up. "Make your lap squishy again.

uncomfortable." I complained. "Um.... I-I need to use the bathroom or..." He looked up, thinking. "What or?" "I guess it wouldn't really be sex...." Liam said. "

"What?" I asked impatiently. "We can try something. It's called a blowjob. It's like sex but not really...." Liam explained. "Okay. What do I do?" Liam but his lip

and looked at me. "Okay. Get on your knees." I did and he stood up. "Mmmmm." He pulled his pants and briefs down, revealing his parts. I looked up at

him. "Now what?" I asked. "Okay you um... Here, I'll help." He grabbed the back of my head. "Open your mouth." I did and he put it on his parts. (R) "Taste

weird." I said, the sound muffled. "Yeah. Just..." He started moving my head, moaning alittle. I grabbed his hips to support me and started moving my head

on my own. His hand still rested on my head, stroking my hair. He moaned and shivered. "N-Niall...." I looked up and he was looking down at me, his lips

parted, breathing harder than usual. I kept moving my head, Liam moaning. "Niall.... I love you...." He moaned. "Love you too." I tried to say from around

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