Chapter 23

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Harry woke the next morning feeling much better. Madam Pomfrey ran her wand over him and pronounced him over the stomach flu. She gave him breakfast—it was brown sugar oatmeal with bananas and some toast, plus some tea. Skull arrived and perched on the end of the bed frame, warbling, "Oh, It's a Beautiful Morning", before chirring, "How do you feel, Harry? All better now?"

"Hello, Skull. I feel fine." Harry said. "How are you and Severus?"

"Sev's healthy as a horse, and I'm in fine fettle myself, bran- boy."

"I'll go see him as soon as I'm allowed out of here." Harry promised. He spooned up the last of his oatmeal and drank down his tea.

"Poppy, he's done with his breakfast!" Skull called the medi-witch over.

Poppy bustled over. "How's that sitting with you, Mr. Potter? Do you feel nauseous?"

"No, ma'am," Harry answered.

"The Gryffindor Flash is back!" Skull sang. "Time to let him out of prison, nurse!"

Harry giggled at Skull's impudence.

"Really, Skull!" Poppy shook a reproving finger at the raven. "I'm not that bad."

The raven cocked his head and cawed, "You're a regular Florence Nightingale, my dear! A boon to the sisterhood of nurses, the bearer of the lantern of hope."

"Flatterer!" Poppy pretended to frown at him, but she sounded pleased. "Go on with you both! Before Severus frets himself to death."

She Transfigured his hospital pajamas to his uniform before dismissing him.

Harry made haste to get to his guardian's quarters, Skull leading the way like an omen.

"You look much improved, Harry," Severus stated when Harry had come into his suite. "But I would suggest you take it easy with lunch and dinner today. Try and avoid any spicy, rich, or heavily fried food. They might not sit well with you." He said.

"All right," Harry agreed, for he had no wish to throw up again.

Severus straightened Harry's tie and robes, and then brushed the boy's messy hair.

"Uncle Severus, I can brush my own hair!" Harry protested, wriggling.

"Then why do you not do so?" asked his guardian sternly, combing firmly.

"I didn't have time to worry 'bout my hair, I just got out of the Hospital Wing and I came right here," his ward objected, trying to duck.

"Stop moving, for Merlin's sake!" Severus ordered. "You need a trim, but I haven't time to do it now."

"I don't want my hair cut," objected Harry. "I like it the way it is."

"It looks like the underside of a mop. It's getting trimmed tonight."

"I'm growing it out long."

Severus snorted. "Since when? Just now?" He flattened Harry's stubborn cowlick with some Sleek-EZ Hair Gel. "There! At least now you don't look like a sheepdog's relative."

Harry pulled away and stomped into the bathroom. He groaned loudly when he looked in the mirror. "Ahh! Uncle Severus, I look like a dork! I can't go to class like this!"

"You can and you shall, now go and fetch your bag and go to the hall. Your friends have been asking for you."

"I feel like I'm going to puke."

"Try again, Mr. Potter." Severus crossed his arms.

"Your hair looks neat, Harry," Skull put in. "Like a barn swallow's nest."

Severus Snape and Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now