Chapter One

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Scary isn't it? To think that one moment of your life, whether it be a couple of seconds or a few minutes, can change your life dramatically.

Just three little words can flip your world upside down and send you spiralling with it.

That's what I've felt like since I listened to those three words that  I never expected to ever hear being spoken into the phone.

I remember the day clearly. It was an exciting day for me, until i got the phone call. He was finally coming home after being overseas for work for three months. This is the day i have been counting down to since he left. I've spent the past three months missing him and each day the ache in my heart where the space for him belongs gows. It physically pains me every time i have to drive him to the airport and wave him goodbye, knowing that i would have to spend the next however many months living in our apartment without him. That's probably the worst part; verything in that apartment reminds me of him. I enjoy our daily phone calls and occasional facetimes when he speaks so happily about his job and how much he loves it. I love seeing his beautiful eyes light up when he talks about how much he is enjoying his time over there; and when the sparkle fades when i tell him how much i miss him and he tells me how much he misses me. Today, we put all of that behind us because i finally get to spend time with him face to face.

I spent until lunchtime cleaning the house and preparing it for when he got home before having lunch and making a chocolate cake that i knew he would love. He was due home at 2pm and i sat at the dining room table, waiting patiently for him to walk through the door. It got to 3 o'clock and he still wasn't home. Maybe his flight was just delayed i thought to myself, hoping it was true because i couldnt bear to think of the possiblilites of what else could be keeping him. 

Just as i was about to reach for my phone, at 4pm it started to ring. I didnt even bother to glance at the caller ID, i just wanted to know where he was. 


"Liz" a deep voice on the other end of the line breathed.

"Harry? What happened? Where is he? Wasn't he on the flight before you? Are you already in London?" I started to panic as these questions tumbled out of my mouth and i found myself choking back tears.

"His plane crashed."

Hello readers! Comment and let me know what you think?? don't let this story become a piece of shit like the other one did hahah please comment and share this with anyone you know. xxx

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