Chapter The Third

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I was very anxious to get to school on time. What if I made a bad first impression to the class? I couldn't wait to start learning though. But the minute I walked through the school's door, with Saara by my side, I knew I didn't fit in, at all.

The screaming, the shouting, and kids running everywhere. It was chaotic. Nothing like me, a quiet schoolgirl. Then a teacher walked in, and everything went silent. There was no more noise, in fact the kids stood in a fashionable order and went to class. I smiled. This was how I liked school.

The teacher's name was Mrs. Williams. She introduced me to the class. Mrs. Williams asked the students if they had any questions for me. Instantly a dozen hands rose in the air. Mrs. Williams called on one of them.
"Where are you from?"
I answered my first question. "The Middle East."
The whole class nodded.
A deep voice sounded. "Why are you here?"
I was startled by his question. Did he really think it was his business to know why?
"I'm here because of annoying and rude people like you."
The class erupted. "The burn!" Someone shouted. "She got you good." Said another.
"Quiet down students, quiet down." Mrs. Williams addressed the class.
"It was rude of you Alex to ask why she is here. Why, she could be here because of Abu Bakr and his horrid rules."
My fists clenched. How dare she! Talking of my Pedar that way! He may be wrong but that gives her no right to speak of him like that.
"Next question!" Mrs. Williams said.
"What are your parents' names?"
Not knowing that Pedar was evil here, I spoke. "My Pedar's name is Abu Bakr. My Maadar's name is Ghazala Bakr."
The class burst into chaos. "What is she doing here? Her father is a terrorist!"
"She's just as bad as him!"
What? I didn't understand. How could they judge me based on a single story of what they heard of my father? How can you base a person off of a story that doesn't apply to them?
Mrs. Williams spoke. "Abena, you are dismissed from class. "
How could they? How could they say such awful things about me? I have every right to be here just like them! What my Padar did does not apply to me! When will people stop shunning me?
I walked down the hall and straight into the office. Then I sat there and sat there. And waited and waited for Mrs. Williams to come. She never did.
It was horrible for the students to judge me. But the teacher should know better. My first day of school was now ruined.
I called Zahara. "Can you pick me up?"
"What's wrong?"
"They found out about Pedar."
"Oh, I'm so sorry Abena."
"It's okay."
"No, it's not, but I'll come and get you."

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