Chapter 7

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Since today at school was Friday it was, “dance all day” day. Woopee…. The only problem is that Brendon wasn’t there today. So I had no partner, sense of direction, or music. I walked up to Steward.

“My partner isn’t here.” He turned around to me.

“I asked him not to be here today. We need to work on you turns and leaps.” I mentally groaned.

“I know who to do those things.”

“Tour Jete into a roll.”

“I lost my terms a long time ago.”

“Watch closely.” He did what looked like a traveling turn, jumped into a leap and turned in the air, landing in a roll down.

“Now, you have to do this in your routine am I correct?”

“We haven’t even started it yet. I know my beginning in tiny bits but that’s it.”

“Show me the beginning.” I went into a lunge and reached my hand up before bringing it back down. I rolled out of it sitting up a bit before rolling back. Then I stood up bring my arms around in a circle into a back needle before bending my back leg and side plying down. I swung my front leg around into a floor spin before standing up again the whipping my arm turning away from where Brendon was supposed to be. Lastly, I did a standing fan kick and stopped.

“That’s all I know.”

“Good, but when you go to the back needle.” He motioned for me to do it. I did it and then he walked up.

“Your leg should be here,” He pulled my leg forwards resulting me to make a noise of discomfort.

“Good it should hurt. Point your toe.” I pointed it.

“No you’re sickleing. This way.” Another noise of pain came out of my mouth.  He let me down and I fell.

“You need flexibility training. Good for you we have five more hours. Start with your feet spread apart. I mirrored him.

“Both feet flat on the floor. Now reach in the middle….” We went through all of the stretches until it was time to do the splits.

“Now right ones first. Go down.” I tried but only got half way down. He came over and pushed me down and another noise of pain came out of my mouth.

“You can do head sits but the splits is hard?” I looked up to see where the voice was coming from and glared at him.

“Why don’t you do the splits, huh?” I asked Steward. He went straight down into them.

“So easy, now middle against the wall.” I groaned before sitting against the wall getting pushed into it for ten minutes. My relief came when the bell rang for lunch. I started getting up but was stopped.

“I had your lunch delivered for you. You’re spending time in here to work on your contemporary connection and solo.”

“Wait, What?!”

“I said solo didn’t I?”

“I’m not doing a solo for the showcase.”

“Two duets and a solo. You agreed to it. Now everyday at lunch you will come here to work on it, am I clear?”

“Yeah, yeah and is Brendon going to be here, too.”

“Sometimes. Your solo will be a contemporary to Skinny Love.”

“At least it’s a song I like.”

“Good. Now we start with turns. I need you to do four La Seconde turns into four passe turns in second with your foot out and bent, and into a back extension hold. Got that?”

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