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"Come on guys." James calls out. Finally the kids make their way to the front door.
"I won!" Sam calls.
"Did not." TJ contradicts.
"Did too." She replies.
"No you tied." Ryan says coming up behind them. Both of them sigh disgruntled knowing he's right.
Loading everyone in the car, we take off. After multiple 'are we there yet's we pull into Macca's parking lot.
James orders food for the five of us. When it comes out he sends the kids into the play room with a box of chicken nuggets, fries and apple juices for each. Then he and I make our way over to a large table near the play room.
Fifteen or twenty minutes later I'm wondering if they decided not to come when I hear someone call my name.
"Tristan!" I look up and see my sister Millie headed for me. I almost don't recognise her, she's grown up so much. Behind her is Mum and Dad.
"James? Is that you?"Millie asks puting her arms around my shoulders in a half hug before our parents reach us. He nods with a half smile at her.
"Tristan." Mum says my name on the verge of tears. "Give me a hug." Taking a deep breathe I respond.
"I can't." I tell her.
"Why not? What's wrong?" She asks concerned.
"I can't stand." I tell her pushing my chair away from the table. "Or walk or do anything with my legs. For the time being at least."
"What happened?" Dad asks shocked while Mum starts crying.
"Sit down and I'll tell you everything." I say.
"Wait just a minute. James said he'd be here he's just running a little late." Millie tells us. "There he is now." She says pointing out the window where our brother is getting out of a car.
"Hey little brother. What'd I miss?" He asks when he reaches us.
"Your brother's paralyzed." Dad tells him.
"What!?" He asks shocked looking over my wheelchair. I tell them everything that's happened over the past six and a half years, only leaving out the kids.
"I don't understand why you went and faced that man." Mum says when I'm finished.
"Because I had someone more important then myself to protect." I tell her.
"Who? James?" Dad questions. I shake my head.
"My own flesh and blood." I say but before they can respond the kids start filing in.
"They ate all my nuggets!" One.
"She at all our fries!" Two.
"Can I have another apple juice?" Three. James sighs and shakes his head chuckling.
"A nugget for you. A fry for you and another apple juice for you." He says handing each child their requested item.
"Thank you." They all say in unison before turning to head back to the playroom.
"Hold on you guys. How about you stay here and eat those. There are some people you need to meet." James tells them. They grumble reluctantly but stay.
"Who are you?" Sam asks glaring at my family.
"This is Tris's parents and his brother and sister." James tells her. All three of the kids eyes grow big as they must realise what that means.
"You hurt TJ and it'll be the last thing you do." Sam threatens.
"Who's TJ and why would we hurt him?" Mum asks confused.
"Wow. She's braver then us and she's a girl." I hear TJ say to Ryan.
"Don't be sexist TJ." I tell him.
"What's that mean?" He asks me wide eyed.
"Sexist is when you believe of sound like you believe that one sex or gender is better then another sex or gender." I explain.
"Oh I didn't mean that. I'm sorry." He says upset.
"It's okay bud just watch it." I tell him.
"Does a kid his age even know the difference between sex and gender?" Millie asks.
"Sex is what the doctor tells you at birth. Gender is what you really are." TJ recites.
"We've known that since we we're three." Sam says rolling her eyes.
"Why would you teach three year olds that?" Millie asks confused.
"Why not?" James says shrugging. "Their parents are gay, their best friend is trans. So why not." Sam, deciding there's no threat, climbs on to James's lap. TJ pulls up a chair between us and after a minutes hesitation Ryan climbs onto my lap.
"You asked me why I went and confronted that man. I did it to save my niece and my son." I tell them.
"Your what?" Dad asks shocked.
"My son, TJ." I repeat.
"That boy is your son?" Mum asks shocked.
"That boy is your grandson." I tell her.
"How old is he?" Millie asks.
"I turn six in June." TJ tells her holding up six fingers.
"Seven years you were with James." Millie says calculating. "Does that mean you cheated on him." She asks horrified.
"No I never cheated on James." I tell her sternly.
"TJ is our son." James says.
"Do you mean the two of you adopted him together?" Dad asks confused.
"No. TJ is our flesh and blood." I tell him.
"Have you ever heard of a man getting pregnant?" James asks them. Both my parents and my brother shake their heads no.
"I read once about that." Millie says nodding. "Something about a man having ovaries and them working."
"Yeah it's very rare but it sometimes happens." James says nodding. Then it seams to dawn on Millie.
"Are you saying you got pregnant with TJ?" She questions.
"That is what I'm saying." James tells her.
"And then he popped like Daddy's going to." Sam says.
"And who is she then?" My brother questions.
"Our niece, Samantha Simpson. She's Connor and Brad's eldest." I tell him.
"Connor's like me. He and Brad have two, Sam and Will, and one on the way." James explains.
"I see." Mum says. She's pale in shock.
"And who about that one?" Dad asks pointing at Ryan.
"This is Ryan. Sam and TJ's best friend." I tell him.
"I see." He repeats Mum's words.
"What is there to see? You either get it or you don't." Sam says rolling her eyes.
"She's got a lot of attitude." Millie says chuckling.
"Yeah more so when she's protecting her cousin. They've been inseparable since birth." James tells her.
"I hope you get to see more of her protective attitude as they get older. That is if you decide to be a part of our lives." I tell them. "My life will be completely TJ now and if you can't except that so be it but I do hope you'll be part of your grandson's life."
"I intend to watch my nephew grow up. I also hope to see you all at my wedding. Con and Brad with their lot too." My brother says.
"We'd love to come." I say and James nods in agreement.
"Me too. I want to be part of your lives too." Millie says nodding.
"If you think I'm letting my grandson grow up without knowing his grandparents your wrong." Dad says.
"I have one question though." Mum says. "Are you two together or not."
"No, we are friends for TJ. If something more grows out of it okay, if not that's okay too." I explain what James and I decided.
"Okay then I want to know everything about you TJ. From your favorite colour to what you had for breakfast." Mum says smiling at TJ.
"What about Sam and Ryan?" He asks with a frown.
"All of you then. Tell me everything about each one of you." She says with out losing a beat. "Just don't talk all at once."
Lovely thing to wake up to, I lost three earrings in the night. The first two are my gauging earrings, so they shrunk a bit. Luckily mum didn't look to closely, she don't know I'm gauging. The last one was on of my Black Veil Bride earrings and I couldn't find that one. Finally I did though.
Oh I mean I have two sets of piercings, one of which I'm gauging. So how are you all?

A Heart To Have A Heart To Break (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now