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After the doctor leaves the room Adam comes in.
"Hey man how you feeling." He asks me.
"I don't know." I tell him shaking my head. "I don't feel any pain if that's what you mean."
"Oh my. Yes that's what I meant." He says.
"Did you get The Boss." I ask quickly.
"Yes. Most of his men were killed. He survived but we got him. He's awaiting trial." He replies. I let out one of the breathes I was holding.
"What about the kids?" I ask him carefully.
"Besides some nightmares James says they're doing well." He says.
"James? You talked to James?" I ask wide eyed.
"Yeah I've been keeping him updated on your condition. He doesn't really like talking to the doctors." Adam tells me with a chuckle.
"He asked about me?" I ask shocked.
"Yeah. He and your boy TJ have been here every day he's not in school." He tells me.
"Oh." Is all I say. The door opens with a creak. I see TJ poke his head in the room. His eyes get big when he sees I'm awake. He starts to run to me.
"Careful TJ. Papa don't feel good right now and you don't want to hurt him." James says walking into the room behind him. I look up at him. He must see the look of shock on my face because he nods slightly.
"I be careful daddy." TJ says putting his little hand in mine and squeezing is gently. This time I can squeeze it back.
Following James into the room is Sam and another little girl I don't know.
"Who's this?" I ask TJ nodding at the girl.
"This is me and Sam's friend Ryan. Ry this is my Papa." He says and the little girl-little boy I realise-waves at me shyly. I glance back up at James. Adam must realise I want to talk to James with out the kids present because he says,
"Why don't we go get something out of the vending machine." He says to them.
"Yeah go head you guys. You can have what ever you want." James tells them. All three look excited about that. They quickly run to the door.
"Do you want anything, James?" Adam asks.
Maybe a pop. Any kind is fine." He replies with a small smile. Adam nods before leading the kids out of the room.
"You called me his Papa." I say after a minutes silence.
"That's what you are." He replies.
"Well after what happened I didn't think you'd let me anywhere near him." I say honestly.
"I was think about it." He tells me nodding. "But I decided I'd rather be able to supervise what's going on then in another ten years have a couple rebellious teenagers stealing the car to go find you."
"A couple?" I question.
"Well you know how close TJ and Sam are. Where one goes the other is sure to follow. I don't know about Ryan yet but he may end up being their third musketeer." He explains.
"I wouldn't let them. Steal the car and come find me." I tell him.
"I know." He says with a chuckle. "But you know how stubborn one of them can be alone. And you don't know Ryan yet."
"True." I say with my own chuckle. "What about us?" I ask after a minute.
"We will start back at square one or two possibly since we can't go back to acquaintances. We will go back to being friends for TJ's sake. I won't say we won't go any farther but I won't say we will either." He tells me.
"Okay." I tell him. "I can except that."
"Good." He says before reaching over and brushing my hair out of my face.

A Heart To Have A Heart To Break (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now