Chapter 5 : Love Buzz

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I woke up with my face buried into Axl's chest, smelling the strong scent of cigarette smoke, mixed with his cologne. My favorite scent in the world.

I can feel his heartbeat along with his heavy breathing, and his cold nipple piercing against my cheek, but I don't mind. I love being in his embrace, and I'm not ready to break away from it yet.

"Wake up sleepy heads, breakfast is ready." and Holly storms through my room, and rips the covers off of me and Axl, causing him to wake up.

"What?" He says in a confused sleepy voice.

"I said breakfast is ready." and with that, Holly walks out of the room.

Axl and I exchange our good mornings, he puts his shirt on, and we walk downstairs to the kitchen to find Holly and Slash placing pancakes and bacon on the table.

"Where's my parents?" They obviously aren't here because if they were, Slash and Holly probably wouldn't be cooking.

"Not sure. I just came here to pick up Ax because I figured that's where he'd be, then I discovered Holly was here and your parents weren't." Slash says as he flashes a smirk over to Holly.

"Oh no." I pause. "What did you do in Michaels superman sheets?" I say putting my glass of orange juice down on the table.

"Oh not much really, just-" and I cut Slash off. "I don't really wanna know, but now I have the image stuck in my head." I say with a laugh, and they all laugh in unison.

"Your loss, but I did enjoy the superman sheets." Slash says in between his giggles, while pushing his large curls out of his face.

We all laugh at that. "Where's the rest of the guys?" Axl asks Slash as he stuffs his face with pancakes, causing his sentence to be unclear.

"I don't know, passed out in a strip joint somewhere?" He pauses. "I was the only one that went home last night, and was confused when you wasn't there." He points to Axl.

"Then I figured you had come to Aprils." He finishes.

Axl smiles, and looks over to me.

We finish our breakfast, and Axl and Slash inform Holly and I that they have to return back to L.A. due to a show at The Whiskey tonight. They were really starting to put a name out, and almost every bar in Hollywood wanted them to play there.

Slash and Holly are saying their goodbyes, and Axl kisses my cheek and says "See ya later doll, I'll actually call you this time." They get into Slash's car, and drive off to L.A.

Now, it's time for Holly to do what she's been putting off for weeks.

"Holly, you can't keep putting it off. You need to know if you're pregnant." I say walking up the stairs to change out of my pajamas.

"I know." She sighs. "After we get dressed, we'll go to the pharmacy, okay?" "Okay." She agrees.

Holly and I get dressed, and we get in my car to go to the pharmacy.

"What kind do I even get?" Holly says as she shuts the car door.

"I don't know, which ever looks the best?" I reply.

We walk in and go straight to the section where all of the feminine products are. Holly and I look around at the pregnancy tests for a few minutes until she picks out the one she wants.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to ask. Did you and Slash have unprotected sex again?" I ask.

"No, we didn't even have sex this time. Just some other stuff." She says emphasizing the word "other".

"Okay good." I say as we go to checkout.

We get back into my car, engaging in a conversation about what she'll do if she is pregnant, and we arrive at my house.

"I'll be right back." and she takes the pregnancy test out of the bag, and walks over to my bathroom.

I wait outside in my room for her to come out. When she does, she has a blank expression on her face that's hard to read.

"Now we have to wait for three minutes." She says flopping down on the bed with a sigh.

"What about Slash? If you aren't pregnant what are you gonna tell him, or are you gonna tell him anything at all?" I say joining her on the bed.

"Yeah, and that we need to start using condoms." She laughs.

"Okay well you have a point." I say, agreeing with her.

The three minutes have been up for about ten now, and Holly is finally ready to go look at the results that awaits her in the next room.

"AHHHHH!" Holly shrieks, and runs out of the bathroom.

"IM NOT GONNA BE A FUCKING MOM!" She yells as she tackles me.

"Yay!!" I scream back in excitement.

I'm happy that Holly isn't pregnant, although if she was, I would still support her no matter what. Through anything, she'll always be my person. Ever since the first grade.

I watch as Holly goes over to my nightstand and picks up the phone. "Who are you cal-"
"Shhh" she shushes me.

"Hey Slash."

"Yeah, I wish I was there." She replies back to something he said that I can't hear. "But I just feel like I should tell you that we need to use protection from here on out."

"Okay, I'll see you this weekend, and I'll tell her." After that sentence she hung up the phone.

"Tell who what?" I say in a confused voice.

"The guys just got an apartment and they want us to come see it this weekend!" She says excitedly, and lays down on the bed next to me.

"Woah, that's amazing. Just think of us being at their apartment. Me cuddling with Axl in his bed, you cuddling with Slash in his bed. It's gonna be great." I say, and my smile doesn't leave my face.

"We really are falling head-over-heals in love with these boys, aren't?" Holly says and turns her face to mine, so that we're laying on our sides facing each other.

"It seems we are." I say laughing in between those words.

If Axl and Slash could see how we act because of them, they'd probably think we're immature high school girls, which we are, but still. They are grown men, and I wouldn't want them to think that of us. Not yet anyway.

Tomorrow is Friday, so according to what Slash said on the phone, they will be coming to pick us up tomorrow evening and we will be spending the weekend with them. My parents should be fine with it, and I'm eighteen so they can't really say much anyway. As for Holly, she's eighteen too, and she never tells her parents anything so that shouldn't be a problem.

Holly and I fall asleep cuddling with each other, and just like every night, I dream a beautiful dream of Axl.

A/N : Holy crap guys!! 200+ reads?? You guys are amazing. :) If you have any suggestions please comment them, and I will gladly consider them. Thank you for all of the votes and comments❤️ xoxo
(that really reminded me of Gossip Girl lol)

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