Little Baby Kurt

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Finn and Rachel were laying down on Finn’s bed in a comfortable silence; they had just finished watching The Avengers which Finn had just bought that day. “I’m Bored.” Rachel mumbled staring up at the roof “mhmm” Finn replied.

“Well then, let’s find something to do!” Rachel got up and pulled Finn off the bed. “Like Whaat?” Finn moaned but continued following Rachel out into the lounge room. In the lounge room they stood there thinking of what could cure their boredom when Rachel perked up. 

“You know what my dads and I used to do when we were bored? We used to look at old photo albums! It’s hilarious! Do you have any old photo albums here?” 

“umm, yeah!” Finn answered frowning as he tried to think of where they could be “I think they are in the basement” Finn mumbled like he was unsure about his answer, he held his hand out for Rachel to take, which she gladly did and turned around and started walking towards the basement door with Rachel following right behind. Once Finn and Rachel were in the basement they started looking through all the boxes trying to find all the photos. “I found them Rach!” Finn finally yelled. 

At about half an hour later they had already gone through most of the photo albums smiling and laughing at all the photos of Finn when he was younger, until Rachel grabbed a nicely decorated photo album that Finn didn’t recognise. “Naaaw! Its little baby Kuurrtt!”  Rachel giggled. Finn looked over and smiled at the photo that was stuck onto the cover the book, it was a family photo of Kurt sandwiched between his mum and dad on a big blue couch. “He’s so little” Rachel squealed. 

“Come on lets open it!” Finn chuckled as he pulled the front of the book open. What happened next gave Finn and Rachel a shock. The basement started to spin and get blurry, and there was a humming sound coming from nowhere. It only last about 5 minutes until it suddenly stopped and the couple were not in the hummel-hudson basement anymore but in a clean, decorated white room with a double bed and a big white wardrobe. “Where are we?” Rachel whispered as she walked around the room taking everything in, she stopped right next to a white table, it looked familiar, but she didn’t know how. “I have no idea...” Finn finally answered after a while as he was still trying to register what just happened.

Then out of nowhere a small figure bursted through the door and ran straight into Finn’s huge legs and fell to the floor. Finn and Rachel looked down in shock, what the hell? In the distance Rachel could hear a female’s voice in the background “Kurt Elizabeth Hummel! Please be careful!” she yelled. That’s when Rachel realised what was happening; they had travelled back in time! She couldn’t believe it! She quickly looked down at the small boy that was still on the floor looking up at them with his big blue eyes, he was dressed in a nicely fitting little blue sweater with a white dress shirt underneath and black little jeans. Rachel kneeled down to boy’s (who was apparently Kurt) height and reached out to help him up, but he freaked out and started scrambling up himself “Who are you?” Little Kurt questioned; Rachel looked up at Finn, who was just standing there, looking down at the poor child. “Errm, I’m Rachel and this is Finn, umm w-we we are ummm from the future! “ Rachel winced at how strange that sounded. Kurt’s eyes widened “Oh. My. God!” he gasped. “This. Is. Soo cooool!!” he squealed jumping up and down.  That’s when Rachel heard the female voice again “Kurt, honey, what are you doing up there?” Oh crap! Rachel thought, I can’t tell her what I told Kurt she’ll think we’re crazy! Finn seemed to realise this first as he was kneeling down to Kurt’s size, “Alright, your mummy can’t know we’re here okay?” Little Kurt looked confused but nodded slowly “you promise not to tell?” Rachel held out her pinkie finger, the small boy smiled and linked his small pinkie around hers “I promise!” he giggled and was about to run out of the room until he stopped “wait if my mummy can’t know you’re here then where are you going to go if she walks into this room?” He questioned. Crap! I didn’t think about that! Rachel thought. “Kurt! Where are you? We need to get you to school!” Ahh shit! She’s coming! Where are we going to go! Rachel and Finn franticly started looking around for places they could hide. “Oh no!” Kurt gasped as he ran to the door trying to prevent his mum coming in and finding the couple, but it was too late the door was already open and his mum was walking in “there you are!” she looked down at him and smiled, Finn was amused at how much Kurt and his mum looked alike but the amusement quickly stopped when he finally noticed that Kurt’s mum had just looked up……

Little Baby KurtWhere stories live. Discover now