Chapter 3

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"Growing old is mandatory. Growing up is optional."

-Chili Davis

After I dropped Peyton off I sent Logan a text to let him know I was on my way home. When I got home, he was already waiting for me. I got out of my car and signaled for him to follow me inside the house. We didn't say anything to each other until we got to my room. I planned on talking to him about his peculiar behavior.

I wasn't sure how to go about it without him getting defensive. He didn't like conflict. He liked to keep things simple and anything that gave him a reason to get worked up about he dismissed. If I brought up something that bothered me, something he did, he would usually blame me for it. Saying it was my own fault and I was too over dramatic and then not talk to me for a month when really it was always him just being an ass. Normally I could deal with it but tonight it was really bothering me.

I took a deep breath and just decided to come out with it. "You know, you acted like a real ass tonight," I said, sitting on my bed, waiting for the blow back. "What are you talking about?" he said, acting like he had no idea what I was talking about.

"I just think its funny how you tell me you want to keep our little rendezvous a secret, but after tonight's little display..."

He cut me off, sat down on the bed next to me, and laid his hand on top of mine. "I know. I'm sorry. I was just thinking maybe we could start letting people know."

"Know what exactly?" I asked hesitantly and a more than a little confused.

"That we're together."

What? Did he just really say that?

My head was spinning so fast I thought I was going to pass out. I quickly stood up and looked at him and blurted out, "But we're not together."

He pulled me onto his lap, smiled, and kissed me. "Let's not talk about it now, we'll worry about it later," he said.

How could we worry about it later, I wanted to talk about it now.

"Logan..." I couldn't get another word in. He put his finger to my mouth, shushing me. He was lucky he was cute or I would have bit his finger off. I didn't like people shushing me.

My mind was still reeling over the fact that Logan just said he wanted to start telling people we were together. That was the last thing I expected him to say. I wanted this ever since we started hooking up. For a long time I thought this was what I wanted, but wait...did I? Did I really want to be with Logan?

. Why was I doubt this? Maybe it was because deep down I knew Logan was not a good guy.

I closed my eyes to help rid myself of these conflicting thoughts, but then all I saw were Cole's dark blue eyes. What the hell? I shook my head to clear the image from my thoughts. I looked at Logan. He already had all the buttons on my shirt undone, not wasting anytime. I lay back on the bed and took a breath, trying to relax and enjoy the moment.

Logan started taking off the rest of my clothes along with his. He liked to get right to the point. Which was fine, sometimes. But hello, a little foreplay was nice too. And he wondered why I never had an orgasm. Definitely something we were going to have to work on if we made this official.

Don't get me wrong, sex with Logan was great, but lacking. Sometimes when I wasn't feeling it, I just wanted to tell him to hurry up and get off me. I did give Logan some credit though; he did try, but was always unsuccessful. After a while I told him to stop trying so hard. I was even starting to think I was defective. I mean, I never had an orgasm. I was close once, I think, but no, nothing. I just gave up knowing it was never going to happen. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed sex, I enjoyed it a lot. If I could I'd have sex all the time, all day, every day. Okay, maybe not all day, that would cause some serious uncomfortable dryness.

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